2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Yeah well I’m starting to think the horse is not going to like the ending if he doesn’t go back in the barn.

Trump going to lose GA for the 3rd time






oh yeah, I don’t believe women have the right to vote. Or maybe read the reference to the joke instead if the sentence doesn’t make any sense to you.

The Congress there passed a bill to cut health and education funding and increase meal stipends for Congress, so they set Congress on fire.

Guatemala’s Congress fucked around and found out.

¡Jodes y descubres!


The article cited a suburban town that voted for Trump in 2016.

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LA understood that the measure was anti-police.

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No, because it doesnt’ work at the margins, and a huge percentage of cases exist at the margins. Like, there is a significant chunk of people charged with a crime who cannot afford any meaningful amount of bail. On the other end of the spectrum, there are people who can afford almost any amount and for whom it is not a disincentive to flight.

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19th amendment deniers itt



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You are either a danger to society or a fight risk or you are not. $ should not enter the equation.


Right, also this. The idea that bail posted is some disincentive to run because you don’t want to lose the money is ludicrous.

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I’m confused why only the worst lawyers on earth are standing for Trump. I assume there are moderately competent trumpkin lawyers. It can’t be reputation risk.

Are there real professional sanctions if you file bs suits? Even that seems hard to believe as I assume the bar is filled with trumpkin lawyers who would stan for him.

Not only are you risking sanctions and going to have your reputation ruined, you are also likely to get stiffed by your client.


The last one makes sense. The first two don’t seem to matter.

Also you either are presumed innocent and have a right to a speedy trial or you aren’t/don’t. You aren’t and you don’t.

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He had competent lawyers from a few big firms at the start of this madness but the associates at those firms (who make the partners an epic fuckton of money) revolted.

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WTF is this?


Sounds like Sidney, even if it might be a sin, is going to bet her soul against 12000 votes coz she thinks she’s better’n them.