2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON


I have been against the cash bail system my entire professional life especially when I was a prosecutor. It was absolute dogshit. People of means were out awaiting trial while poor people were not. The choice should be binary. Either you are in jail awaiting trial (based upon dangerousness to the community, flight risk, etc) or you are not. Cash bail is ridiculous.


Yup. It’s just another way for someone to make a buck off of someone else’s misfortune. You know. ‘Mercia.

Trump judge or non-Trump judge?

I understand the sentiment, but the argument you are presenting is illogical. The point of cash bail is that it reduces the flight risk. If it doesn’t, then it either shouldn’t have been granted or it wasn’t high enough. It’s not an inherent problem with cash bail per se.

Its complete bullshit. LOL flight risk, these people are overwhelmingly poor people whose entire families are in the jurisdiction. They aren’t fleeing for drug possession or whatever. And actual rich people will 100% flee if they want anyway. What it actually does is coerce people into pleading guilty since their sentence will be for less time than they would spend in jail awaiting trail.

Bonus lol conservatives: the constitution explicitly guarantees a “speedy trial” but, brace yourself for some shocking information, the so-called textualists and originalists have decided that means the government can hold people in jail for a functionally unlimited amount of time before trial.


Then these people should be released on their own recognizance.

Then the bail was not high enough or shouldn’t have been given.

Unless your argument boils down to “There are zero cases where bail will reduce flight risk to a significant extent”, it seems that the problem is that bail is just being applied poorly. I’m not as up on this stuff as you law bros, but it seems like I would agree with that.

It would be like saying we should end all incarceration because it is meted out in an unfair way. That’s probably not the best solution. Everyone would agree that there are certain criminals that should be imprisoned (certainly less than what we are doing now, but not zero). The problem is not with incarceration in and of itself, it’s that we do it excessively and incorrectly.

If your argument is truly that bail literally never affects flight risk significantly, I would find that hard to believe.

Cliffs: I’m sure there are a lot of people who are given bail that should just be released and others who are given bail that should be held. I think the problem is that the system is just doing bail wrong (a lot). Not that bail shouldn’t exist.

Just passing on a joke from a deplorable:

Why would you want to be a Democrat instead of a Republican?

If you’re a Democrat, you can still vote when you’re dead.

Obama. So he’s a communist








That second paragraph? What are they even trying to say?

It means they don’t know what dismissed with prejudice means.

Does with prejudice block appeals to a higher court?

It means they cannot refile the case. The dismissal can be appealed.

Pat Toomey is far right, Trump’s losing the whole party. Like he’s not quite Looney Tunes QAnon… But he’s far right.


Toomey is really only all about the financial industry?? The far right for him seems to more of a means than an end for him. Just keep those fat Wall Street bonuses flowing.


Toomey is a right wing asshole of the “shamelessly owned by donors and corporations” variety. The real power in the country is done with the Trump clown show. Not clear whether they’re capable of getting the horse back in the barn at this point.