2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Wait, you don’t like Biden?



This post is problematic but I liked it for the flat out rudeness


So Kemp indicated he will follow the law and certify the GA election. Like, to all the alarmists ITT who think that Trump is still pulling off a coup, If Trump doesn’t even have loyalist toady deplorables like Kemp, who exactly do you think he has in power?


That Biden tweet is pretty laughable though. The part where giving money to politicians is acceptable and encouraged but politicians giving taxes back to the people is communism is quintessential American.


I didn’t disagree. I was just laughing that watevs felt the burning need to remind us he doesn’t like Biden. He makes exactly two kinds of posts.

I hate Biden
I hate Warren

It’s just amusing.

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I get it, but this one was warranted and on point (i guess the war criminal part was unnecessary, i glanced over it)

Democratic mayors, apparently.

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Everyone is working from home now anyway, so isn’t the transition money just all going to pay the salaries of his people that are guaranteed good government jobs very soon?

Pretty, pretty bad to be asking random people for that… just get the money from Bloomberg and people like that if you really feel bad about not paying them.

I’m feeling slightly less nervous after the events today re: GA and MI. But he’s still going to throw tons of shit at the wall to see if anything sticks. I can’t believe we have another roughly 60 days or so of this to deal with.


He’s lost the WSJ. It is over.

The fact that he doesn’t care who wins. In theory more US gas and oil flooding the market during a Trump presidency and Biden might cancel fracking (lol) and that would mean a lot of money in Putin’s pockets.

But…electors might be getting some credible threats from Proud Boys and police.


Well he did get 80 million more votes than Bernie


This is so sickening. Just robbing working class to enable him to get briefings on how to pump wall street up another couple trillion. It’s just Trumpian.


Decent thread (with poker!) from…Edward Norton?



You know what cheers me up when I’m feeling shitty?

Telling you your pony is the rake. Your pony is the fucking rake!


That’s a terrific thread from Rep. Omar.

And this is the best expression of the sentiment I spent too much time trying to clumsily articulate a few days back:

I really think this is a great topic for this forum to continue to debate and think through, because it’s tricky and important. The slogan is such a lightning rod because it so perfectly encapsulates the tension between activism and legislation. (And, like Omar says, I’m recognizing that the “tension” here is really only for legislators and those on the left concerned with winning elections.) I mean, there’s a reason Bernie won’t say he supports it, and it’s clearly not because he doesn’t respect the activists.

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I don’t really have strong feelings on this topic, but this strikes me as poor reasoning:

I would not expect the district where a major event that was the catalyst for such a movement took place to be representative of how other random districts would perform regarding that event.

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