2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Well that district had the most amount of actual destruction of property etc. Where they burned police stations and buildings. And suburban white folks still came out in droves despite that district advocating for holding cops accountable.

So white suburban folks there weren’t turned off by the massive amount of activism, and that activism actually caused them to turn out in support.

Makes sense to me.

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But this is often how that goes. After 9/11 most New Yorkers were not nearly as scared of the next terror attack as most white Kansans.

I do think regarding MN it’s tough to draw conclusions since the local Dems never stopped door knocking from what I understand, hence we were not victim to asymmetrical warfare. It really could be that simple.


While I agree your reasoning makes sense, I don’t know that it’s still not a mistake to think that the area impacted directly by the events might process it differently and have different views than people in other areas of the country. But I dunno. I’m at the point in my life where I’m just about fed up with constantly being concerned about moderating my messaging when I keep seeing the right embrace more and more extreme messaging without penalty. Even that sentiment I think might be wrong, because the right has an inherent advantage structurally in our shitty electoral system, so they don’t have to convince a majority of the people throughout the country on their messaging to hold power. Between geography, gerrymandering, and voter suppression of opposition, they only have to win like 40-something percent of areas that already skew conservative to maintain power. That has the effect of giving the appearance that the winning strategy for us should be to embrace further left messaging just like they are doing, but it may not turn out good for us. Anyway, I don’t think things could get all that much worse at this point from a who is holding power standpoint, so I’m probably going to be up for going whole hog on leftist-populist messenging.

The reason that district is unrepresentative has nothing to do with it being where the Floyd killing happened. It’s unrepresentative because it’s Ilhan Omar’s district, aka a leftist district where Dems literally win by 40 points. Turns out calls for racial justice are popular on the left, more news at 11.

Calls for racial justice in policing are broadly popular, sections of the policy behind Abolish/Defund are popular, those slogans are wildly unpopular. Those are just facts. What activists do with that information is up to them, but it’s obviously not somehow disrespectful to point this out.

I don’t have data in front of me so this is just my speculation, but blaming the Defund movement for electoral difficulty seems to me like more spurious elevation of shit the Twittersphere cares about into supposedly important national issues. The problem with Defund/Abolish as slogans isn’t that they lose elections, it’s that they guarantee the irrelevance of the movement.

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It’s not just more progressive messaging. Yes supporting super popular policies would help, but they also need to attack Republicans in congress. Tie them to this fucking coup attack, to overthrow democracy, that they want to throw you off healthcare and die, that THEY not just Trump support white supremcy.

But no, they’re out here saying Republicans are great people who publicly support the coup because they have too but privately they’re embarrassed and totally support Biden and can’t wait to be bi partisan. It’s fucking insanity.

Everything about the Republican platform is super unpopular, everything about the democratic platform is super popular, but Dems still keep getting slaughtered because Republicans paint them as evil socialists that hate white people and are going to burn down your suburbs and Democrats paint them as great people who really support Biden and can’t wait to be bi partisan.

They’re so fucking bad. This should be the easiest slam dunk for Democrats but they fail miserably because they’re fucking idiots.

The whole " well its not their fault people suck and are idiots " bullshit. It’s their fault for not convincing them. The vast majority of people blamed both sides for the stimulus not getting done.

Democrats only passing one bill like 6 months before the fucking election? And it wasn’t even a great messaging bill. If they had kept passing bills to give people more money they would have crushed.

Who is saying Republicans are great people?

Pretty funny thread about the antics so far in the Wisconsin recount




Dick Durbin and several other democrats have been on MSNBC and CNN saying Republicans are privately telling them they don’t support what Trump is doing but they can’t go against them, and that they will work with democrats in a bi partisan manner.

Like there have been several posts in the transition thread of democrats saying the Republicans are going to work with them in a bi partisan manner. That Mitch won’t do to Biden what he did to Obama.

It’s insanity.


If Mitch changes direction here somehow I’ll be insanely suspicious. Never fill that dude’s trades.

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Wait so Trump team paid for the recount? Is it the whole state or were they able to get it to just specific counties? Because the supreme court already said you can’t recount just specific counties.

That ladies and gentlemen is the right messaging for this spot. It’s so goddamn good. It grabs a wide swath of the population by the resentment and tells them to come along. If you’ve ever seen some rich asshole do something insanely fucked up and then get in basically no trouble… well you’re probably in the minority at this point in the US aren’t you? Did you even go to High School?

With High School you either go to a nice one and see rich kids get away with basically murder, or you go to a poor one and watch kids lives get ground into hamburger in the penal state. Either way if it doesn’t radicalize you it’s only because cop shows have been like 1/4 of TV drama our whole lives.

I went to both by the way. Very fucked up in each direction.


As I understand, they paid for a partial recount, which state law provides for.

Either treat minorities like white people are treated or else treat the privileged like they are black.

Looks like they’re doing it and Trump team strategy with this is pretty obvious. Try to get as many ballots thrown out as possible.



From the Vox article:

The measure’s passage comes at a moment when activists across the US — including in LA — have called for defunding police departments. While Measure J isn’t directly a defund the police initiative, it was designed as an important first step toward the public health and investment-based model of public safety that animates the defund movement.

This seems like exactly what I’m saying? They approached voters with the underlying positive policies instead and won. Admittedly “guaranteed irrelevance” was hyperbolic, but I think the slogan makes success more difficult. I assume you’re not claiming that limited success in LA proves that the slogan is effective.

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lol amazed they paid 3 million for a recount that won’t do shit. That’s incredible really. Thats 3 million they could have grifted but they lit it on fire, wtf are they thinking?

No chance they flip 20k votes.

This kinda disproves the idea that Trump isn’t serious about this and is preparing to just grift as much as possible and set up his exit. Dude is absolutely going for it.

I sincerely hope he’s going for it because I’m 1000% right about how the world works and that’s literally the only chance he has to die at the bottom of the hole he’s dug for himself of natural causes instead of being buried alive.

what the hell? So he is a war criminal but its uncouth to mention that in a post? Do you ever listen to yourself

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with people. Imagine crying about this

I get that but that’s still no one saying Republicans are great people.