2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

No. There were two republican faithless electors and they went for Ron Paul and John Kasich.

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but this wouldn’t invalidate the faithless elector’s vote

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 today, upholding the authority of states to bind presidential electors to the state’s popular vote when casting their Electoral College ballots.

Today’s ruling effectively uphold the constitutionality of Arizona law, which prescribes for the vote of the elector to be cancelled and replaced if they fail to vote as pledged based upon the state’s popular vote.



It does in some cases.


he obviously doesn’t have $3.6b

yeah, that seems pretty wild, I don’t see how a state law could “invalidate” the elector’s vote once cast, but three votes in 2016 were in fact invalidated.

MI+PA = 36

Also there’s a huge difference between casting a “protest” vote as an elector when your vote doesn’t acutally matter, and actually throwing your support to another candidate knowing you are electing a candidate from the opposite party against the will of the voters. The former happens all the latter has never happened.

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You’re picturing the electoral college wrong. They don’t meet all in one place and “cast” their votes. The votes are sent in from each state. The state can decide not to forward them and select new electors under various state laws.

We have the dumbest system of elections imaginable.


Isnt he the richest man in the world? His net worth 2 years ago was over $200 billion.

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at first i thought you meant trmp, but now i see you meant putin. and no, he certainly doesn’t have that in liquid form at all, and he’s not going to blow it on trmp. that’s just throwing good laundered money after bad. also with that much attention and scrutiny why reveal potentially several of your stashes by writing 36 checks. putin does prop up other dictators with money, but he usually redirects russian gov’t budget money for that.

tangentially, one if putin’s wallets just died of covid, raldugin from the panama papers. he was keeping like $2.5b by trading ancient violins at the time, but at least some of it must have been in hedge funds etc. so it could certainly be at least $3.6b by now.

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The Brown? Of the forests?

Hard to put a net worth on a guy who effectively has the spending power of a major country.




No it doesn’t get messy. The electors are party insiders that will never vote for Trump.

source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2020/11/20/joe-biden-trump-transition-live-updates/



I took a nap and missed the last Georgia certification. I hope there’s another one soon.



Everyone, make sure to donate to Joe Biden’s transition fund. Never mind that he has over 100 billionaire donors and hundreds of millions of dollars in unspent cash left, if you aren’t a working class stiff donating 20 bucks to this fund, you are helping Trump.

Please help broke war criminal Joseph Biden raise money. Thank you


I didn’t say it WOULD happen (and I don’t think it will). The question was asked, hypothetically, what would happen if it did. And the answer is a lot of court battles and application of different state laws, some of which say the vote of the faithless elector is respected, and some that say that it can be disregarded.