2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

This is only if no one gets a majority of EVs.

That is only for president (in the House).

Right, I misread.

Oh, that would explain it. Thanks.

lol we have Q Congress people, this shit isn’t going away even if we stay very silent about it. Trump has already pushed this shit to the mainstream


I don’t know what you guys think will happen if Dems tie this stuff to Republicans more than they already are (it seems to me that has been the message lately, idk why people are saying it’s not outside of morons like Feinstein). Voters just don’t care. It’s nice to believe that Dems can win if they just message right, but when the other party doesn’t care about truth or anything besides power it doesn’t matter. People know who Trump and repubs are. 70m still slammed down that hammer for daddy Trump. Pelosi turning into AOC or Dems blasting off about Repubs throwing a coup ain’t gonna change that reality

That’s not to say we can’t fight, but the solution is not message better. There isn’t an easy solution, without being in power and demonstrating that we are making people’s lives better.


Don’t ask me what tingles when I get on Unstuck.



Is it the new Congress? Doesn’t matter either way, cause Kelly gets sworn in before the new Congress. I’d actually rather have the current Congress + Kelly than the new Congress, I think… Lamar Alexander is probably >>>>>>>>>>> his replacement on this.

I just realized that if we get a contingent election, and Pelosi blows up norms to get Biden over the line in the House, the Senate would probably make Trump VP… Then inevitably Biden would die like 2 years and a day into his term, Trump would get 1 year and 364 days, then run for another term.

Thankfully we’re like 1,000 to 1 against ending up in this situation.

Messaging better will:

  1. Turn out more voters
  2. Convert some left wing third party voters to Democrats
  3. Convert some both parties are the same third party voters to Democrats
  4. Convert some small number of working class white voters to Democrats

In a hyper-polarized environment, it’s not so much about #4 though. It’s about expanding and turning out your base and shrinking or suppressing the turnout of your opposition. Suppression doesn’t have to mean the kind the GOP does with racist shit, long lines, voter ID laws, etc… It can be the stuff the GOP does like micro targeting black voters with HRC or Biden comments from 25 years ago on the crime bill.

The Dems do neither, so we get massively asymmetrical warfare and the GOP is able to contend.

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Lets talk about faithless electors - if somehow 36 or whatever biden electors decide to be faithless and vote for Trump, is that official? Is there a recourse to that happening or is it just “well, thems the rules bitches, Prez Trump forever”?

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Why would Democratic party electors vote for Trump?

In some states, it’s illegal to be a faithless elector. But I suppose the constitutionality of that could be debated.

Yes, it would be official and there is (I think) almost nothing that could be done.

Assuming this takes Georgia off the map, then he needs PA somehow even if he steals Michigan and that won’t be enough.

He needs 37 to throw it into the house. PA plus MI is 26. So then only AZ matters. WI Or NV won’t do it.

I really really don’t see how it gets there but the fact that there is a path is extreme bullshit. Every collaborator deserves whatever bad comes their way.

Didn’t some republican electors vote HRC in 2016 or something?

The electors are hardcore party loyalists.

It gets real messy and it could come down to the state the electors come from. Some states have provisions that allow them to replace a faithless elector with someone who will toe the line, but, not all do. And, if that becomes the difference in who holds the presidency, there is going to be a huge court fight over those laws.

So what’s to stop Putin from bribing faithless electors? Throw them $100 million each, he DGAF.