2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I’m saying running on Obamacare is bad plan hatched by soulless hacks relying on Fake Polls telling them what to do… just doing better stuff like you said would be great… except Mitch and Co. are soulless scumbags that are going to block everything simply because they think Biden will take all the blame for the results of their sabotage and we already know this… start making the case about them now every which way possible, including by tying them to this pathetic coup attempt.

Dude why have you repeatedly failed to get this…

Nobody is talking about Trump. We’re talking about tying Republicans in congress to all the fucked up shit Trump has done, how they’ve enabled him, how they protect him, and how they’re the evil lawless motherfuckers who will destroy our democracy and prevent anything good from every being done.

Instead of you know, saying they’re great great people who are privately very concerned but RELISH the chance to work together to give American people healthcare once this fucking shit is over.

Again… it’s not about Trump. It’s about congress. Trump got smoked, but lots of people voted against him and Republican down ballot because EXACTLY the messaging you’re advocating for.

That messaging is going to destroy our democracy.


This right-wing retcon that HRC did the exact same stuff Trump is doing it really annoying. Everyone in the sane media who comes into contact with that needs to push back hard.

Republicans really want the base to think this is just politics as usual. They’re conflating Jill Stein with HRC, and conflating calling Trump out for being a bigot and a horrible person with claiming Trump is an illegitimate president.

And having Pelosi, Schumer and the long list of politicians this board agrees as ineffective on TV isn’t changing minds.

You can turn on CNN or MSNBC at basically any time today and their hosts will do a better job at exactly what you’re wanting than 99% of democratic politicians. After 4 years of only mild opposition to Republicans, how is it even arguable to flip the switch now and call them an existential threat? They don’t believe it!

These people lived fine lives under Trump. It was never an existential threat to them. They don’t care. You can’t make them care.

Use your power to give people that do care a megaphone then…

Local politicians, voters who Rs are trying to disenfranchise en masse, etc., righteous anger is a hell of a political tool.

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Even the Mueller investigation was triggered by a Republican appointee of Trump and ran by a Republican. And yet it is a widely held belief by a majority if I had to guess that the investigation was a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT WITCH HUNT that came to nothing. That’s because their side is 100x better at messaging than our side and also because facts and reality don’t matter to these people.



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more like actually in tears

Rush def suppressing a laugh

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I’m pretty sure it wasn’t even voter rolls, it was the Secretary of State’s estimated turnout lol…


I see we’ve now reached the “Yeah, but Democratic mayors will quell protests to help Donald Trump complete his coup d’etat,” portion of the insanity around here.

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Feelings status: fucked

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50-50 is not enough, right? Pence is still the tiebreaker.

I mean just looking at the southern strategy and the millions of other things Republicans have been able to pull off over the years, they’re insanely good at this and we’re insanely bad and despite the results we’re seeing advocating for more but better is just fucking terrible.

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Raffensperger’s office says he still will have it certified by 5pm.

Correct, that’s why I said one to go. Pretty good chance we peel more than one anyway. I don’t see Murkowski going for it, and once it’s at 51 you’ll probably see a whole slew of fascist fucks trying to look like normies.

Didn’t the Ds pick up one more seat? The new Congress is what counts the EC.

I thought the counting of EVs takes place in December, so we’ve still got the old congress then. Now, if no one gets 270, then I could see how sorting that out would fall to the new congress.

The CASTING of EVs is in December, the counting is in January.

I thought they count a vote per state delegation.