2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Yelling about Qanon will only make it more popular as well. Trump is a toddler throwing a tantrum in a grocery store. You don’t start yelling at him.

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Like why is it even important to vote for the democrats in GA if the Republicans are awesome people who are going to totally be bi-partisan in the senate? Doesn’t seem important to me actually think I’ll stay home, What difference does it make? Republicans will act in good faith.

This is what the entire dem leadership is putting out there and its fucking insanity and you’re crazy if you think its good messaging.

No one here is saying to work with Republicans. But, devoting airtime to all their ideas is exactly what you’re mad at them for doing, but suggesting they do! It’s just playing defense on their home court. Ignore all their craziness and implement good policy come January. Simple.

Dems look at fake polls that tell them to focus on their shitty healthcare plan not being as shitty as Rs non-plan and then fail accordingly… even when the polls aren’t fake, voters may sincerely think they want it one way when speaking to pollsters… but it’s the other way…

Fuck Trump, I’m talking about tying the republicans in congress to this.

This imagines an America where these actions are toxic enough to hurt these people or their credibility. You do not live in this reality.

We’re almost a year into a pandemic they’ve actively abetted! 250k are dead! There is no bottom to these people morally.


No the problem is democrats did not tie Republicans in congress to any of this. Most Americans blamed both sides for everything, including the stimulus. This was all a massive failure on the democrats part.

Independents were repeatedly told Republicans are awesome people who would work with dems so a lot of them voted for them. If you don’t think this is a problem you’re insane.

Again you average low info voter is told democrats are evil socialists who hate cops and want lawless black people roaming the streets killing people. They’re also told Republicans are awesome and will be bi-partisan and all this is only Trumps fault.

And what we got was Republicans massively outperforming Trump… because democrats did not tie any of these shit to Republicans. To your average low info voter ALL of this was Trumps fault.

Just fucking lol at thinking the democrats are doing a great job here and playing GTO while they get completely crushed DESPITE all the things you said. They got crushed because of how badly they played it.


Rs are convincing their people that Ds stole the election just by, um, voting… Imagine the propaganda that would flow if the tables were turned… hell, Rs still have me remembering that Ds meekly contested a few invalid super late military ballots in 2000…

No one thinks the democrats are playing perfectly. This is just shit that only matters to people who are too online.

You’ve now moved from “dems should be on twitter/tv news talking about the coup all day” to “they were too nice to Republicans before the election” which are completely different topics.

You got that exactly ass backwards. People too online are the only ones who see how bad Republicans are. People not online are told they’re great people by democrats who then lose to them.

Seriously advocating the dem leadership is even doing a remotely decent job at this point is fucking insanity.

Correct. Thus, playing it how you want appeases people online all the time.

No one thinks the democrats are playing a great game. But, you want them to continue to talk about Republican issues. Playing defense is bad for them. Talk about the free shit you’re going to give people, how Biden is getting you a vaccine etc.



Most of the R base believes Biden has dementia or that Clinton eats babies. Trying to convince these people of reality is not a winning plan.

Just actually accomplish shit come January. Don’t talk about accomplishing stuff or means test it.

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If Trump stays as president and people start protesting here in Chicago the police will be 100% sent out to quell protests for the sake of keeping peace in the city with our dem mayor saying we need to stay calm while things get handled by so and so. I mean shit our mayors send out police to stop protests that are against the police while never doing anything about the police.

There’s a hilarious bit with the aging black revolutionary in I’m Gonna Git You Sucka. The revolution died when he sent his troops down to storm the federal building. Turns out they were hiring that day, and the brothers all got jobs instead.

I see it as that way for 99% of the weekend larper truck flag guys. The economy is still pretty good for most of them. They’ve got jobs and small businesses they don’t want to jeopardize.

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There is a 0% chance a democratic mayor of Chicago is like “Trump pulled off a successful coup? Cool, relax everybody.”

Why do so many people seem to yada yada everything before inauguration? Like, we just won’t know until the 20th what happens with good pl’ Donny and then shit might go down! This is not reality.

Electors will be certified. If they are not, things get really bad much sooner than January.


Not talking about the base… talking about the people who voted against Trump but voted Rs down ballot.

Biden winning was so important that whatever about using that strategy in the 2020 but should not make same mistake going forward. Allowing Rs to paint all Ds as wild extremists while Ds say Rs are generally fine people they can work with once you take Trump out of the equation is flat out idiotic.

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Lmao. Those Michigan precincts with the over votes are all rural area of Minnesota just north and west of where I lived in a outer ring suburb that all likely vote for Trump. And lol MN has same day registration so votes over voter rolls will always be over 100%.

Enjoy as someone that lives 32 years in Michigan and 12 in that area of Minnesota. What a clown show.

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So what do we want? Pelosi and Schumer going on CNN talking about how dangerous Trump is? Thats not a winning play.
The people already on CNN/MSNBC do a better job attacking Republicans for their roles in this than 99% of democratic politicians.

You have Pete and AOC for being good at messaging in media. Thats about it. Putting the rest on will be a loss.

The people that are going to be swayed by this likely aren’t watching the same media we are. The people who really need to see it absolutely are not.

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I’m not saying Trump will even stay in office or anything will happen but I’ll disagree on that 0% based on the history of dem mayors in this city and their repeated use of police force for any type of protest not to mention covering up for police murders