2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I don’t think they’ll participate in a coup, but saying the “he has no legit support from police forces” doesn’t line up with anything I’ve been seeing.

Counterpoint - incels are a pathetic and cowardly group as a whole, but individual members have conducted explosive acts of devastating violence. We should probably fear numerous acts of “lone wolf” terrorism from Trumpkins more than a coordinated uprising, but the damage will be real.


I can’t tell white people apart either.



The other thing to remember about the EC votes drifting to new states is that some of that is happening specifically because more of us libtards are moving there. NC picking up a vote but following VA’s path and turning reliably blue would be a great tradeoff, for example.

(I’d also love this particular example, because my Trump-loving sis-in-law–who couldn’t wait to escape socialist NJ, where she had to pay so much in taxes to fund things like, say, her generous teacher’s pension and husband’s cop pension–is furious that her new state came so close to going blue this cycle.)

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Agreed. But the waaf crowd thinking Trump will stay president need the police to be a bit more than just grumbling ‘I would prefer Trump’. And there is zero sign of that.

The number of cops willing to quit their high paying jobs to be guerilla commandos for Trump is laughably small.

Worm has a tweetstorm.


Can’t believe I got ponied by @simplicitus. Ponied, sure, but not him.

It is fundamentally self-defeating to argue Republicans are lawless and evil while bragging about working with them.



ETA: Damn, apparently I don’t know how to post gifs.

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fake news was telling me minneapolis lost like 200 sworn officers, and the story was something along the lines of they didn’t like the defund protests. but i gotta think at least some of them didn’t want to be a part of police culture anymore

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Two down one to go. The Dem governors will send their own electors if the GOP state houses fuck around. The House will take the Biden electors, the Senate we now have 50 votes for Biden electors. (Old Senate was 53-47, Kelly gets us to 52-48, Romney and Sasse make it 50-50.)

Perhaps the best long term outcome is the state legislatures try to steal it and a bipartisan US Senate vote tells them to go fuck themselves. It exposes them to more voters (I know, I know), exposes their tactics to elected Dems who may wake up (I know, I know, I know), and they don’t succeed.

Because they know it’s over and this won’t work, and they are trying not to further polarize the country by inflaming his base even more. They’re also not giving him another foil to punch against. Derisive laughter publicly while remaining vigilant and having contingency plans legally and politically behind the scenes is the right move.

Basically exactly what Biden is doing.


Yeah, the right play is to be vigilant as Cuse is saying, but elevating this nonsense gives it more legitimacy than it deserves.

The way Trump goes away is if Twitter bans him and TV news stops talking about him 24/7. Thats all he has left.




Haha Trump is gonna flip and take it out on those GOP clowns from Michigan.

why does discourse continue to turn off the FIRED Florida Man setting every two weeks? wtf kind of censorship tool is this? i don’t need a discourse-induced heart attacks tyvm


Trump will insta-request a recount in GA. It’s a tax-payer funded freeroll.

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That’s OK. He can lose a third time.

There is always a Tweet.



They said he refused to listen to safety advice and protocols. They also have to look after his bratty kids and have spent more money on the trump clan than any other first family so they have been busy. They hate him. How could anyone close to him not.

No. We never win the house and senate that way. Dems are fucking constantly complaining about being tied to AOC + the squad, defund the police, socialism etc. Why the fuck aren’t they tying Republicans in congress to an attempt of a coup? Why the fuck are they not tying them to this?

We should be tying them to this disgrace, tying them to Qanon, tying them to all the insane shit. But what do the dems do? They fucking say the Republicans are awesome people that are totally going to work with them once this is over and thus you should have no problem voting for them.

Republicans = Democrats are socialists, communists hate our police, want lawlessness, want to kill white people in Suburbs
Democrats = Republicans are great people, they will totally work with us, and privately they’re telling us that they wish Joe Biden luck and they’re deeply concerned about all this they just can’t do it publicly because of Trump but they don’t support this coup PERSONALLY.

It’s a fucking disgrace how bad they are at this shit. THIS is why they’re the washington generals.