2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

They’d confirm Garland because it was straight up good for them. No other reason. Confirming Garland makes the argument for the legitimacy of the court they already packed a little bit stronger without actually weakening their hand. Trips still beats a pair.

Nominating Garland as the Democrats is waving the white flag. The GOP is going to gleefully accept their surrender if it’s on offer.

If Thomas dies or something they are never filling that vacancy obviously. They’ll never take a nominee that expands the number of liberals on the court. They’ll let us swap out Breyer for Garland though.


I don’t think I ever said that but I think they probably would confirm Garland.

This just isn’t fair. We don’t need to make things up to attack the Dems. Biden has been crystal clear in every speech since the election that what is going on is both unacceptable and likely illegal. Every major dem figure has said something similar.

I’m not sure what we expect them to do?

Looks like a net gain of 4 for the Republicans if I’m doing my math correct (also assuming that 2020 map is fixed, which of course it isn’t).

So I’m not too worried about that.

What I am worried about are all the new redistricting lines that are going to be gerrymandered to holy hell in all the red states for the next 5 cycles of house seats.

Let’s check in with my deplorable contact. Surely he is finally coming around to accept that Trump lost, is losing every court case, is still losing after recounts, and ultimately will not be president for another term. Right?

Ah, well, let’s try again in another week I guess.


There is an “interesting” aspect of gerrymandering strategy, where you often have the choice of drawing a relatively larger number of R +4 districts, or a fewer number of R +8 districts. The concern being that an R+4 district may not be safe by 2030.

Incumbents have an incentive to draw the R +8, whereas the party and/or donor class want the R +4.

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Pretty far from:

Because when a toddler acts out and has a temper tantrum you ignore it, not give it attention.

I’m most worried about the country, in general, just being irretrievably broken…from the halls of Congress all the way down to our neighborhoods.

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The dems will. The republicans won’t.




Fair enough but they lack credibility when they make formal statements against Trump’s undermining of Democracy while simultaneously preaching togetherness with the Republicans that are staying silent and complicit. Contrast eDem messaging about norms and rule if law vs. AOC clearly calling things what they are - explicit attempts to throw out the votes of black people where they failed to suppress their voting rights in the first place. People should be much angrier about what is happening and spurring people to action to stop it. Biden and others are falling back on trust in institutions to steer us through the risk. Asking decent Americans to trust their institutions is a bit tone deaf in November 2020.


Those of us who said Trump and the vast majority of his supporters are cowards seem to have gotten it right so far. Trump is in his bunker tweeting gibberish and there haven’t been any sustained protests or violence by his supporters. Maybe a few lunatics decide to go do a mass shooting or something but there is never going to be widespread chaos from MAGA nation. As I said after the election the best part of 2020 was millions in the street for George Floyd and dozens in the street for Trump. The vast vast majority of MAGA cultists are whiny cowards who feel they haven’t gotten their fair share.

Trump made them feel like they were getting that back. The immigrants were locked up. The racists were glorified. The POTUS was fighting back against all their perceived enemies. Christmas was back baby!

I mean have you ever seen the crowd at a Trump rally? Those people are not going to turn into some MAGA army marching the streets and shooting people. They will just whine about how the election was stolen and pretend everything was better under Trump while inhaling 10 hours a day of OAN and AM radio. Likewise Trump is not going to do anything other than whine and bitch and he will be gone in two months.


I guess. But what would have happened in Michigan if that terror cell hadn’t been caught? How confident are you that there are not others planning similar?

Yes and they are also completely incompetent. He’s a coward and an idiot. He has no legit support from any of the armed services or any of the Police Forces around the country. Yes we can lol at lawbros but overall he has basically zero support there too.

He’s a baby who is scared he is going to be broke and probably going to jail too. it is extremely worrisome this country seems to be fine with humoring this arsehole for another couple of months and I’m sure there will be repercussions for that. But one of them will not be him being President on Jan 20

STRONGLY disagree with the bolded.


Oh I fully agree those things may happen. We aren’t having some civil war over Donald Trump though.

Which ones then? The ones (or at least some of those) that endorsed him for President are going to become his personal police force? Is this what you think may happen? Which forces have senior personnel pushing this an agenda?

Rudy and the lawyers know they have no chance. Their goal can’t be to change the result, so it must be simply to convince as many as possible, during this interim period, that they can and will.

Their story is one of a Biden-led conspiracy to steal the election and they are fighting to restore justice and democracy.

When their efforts fail, it will reinforce the conspiracy. This is the point of their subversion.

The cultists are not all going to go quietly. The language being used by Trump, Giuliani etc gives them a license to resist.

It’s incredibly dangerous in the short term, but even after Biden is sworn in, he will be forever hamstrung by the taint of illegitimacy and that’s the point.