2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Okay, I read the “I’m digging” and “My hot take” as positive sentiments in regards to this while I see it as an extremely negative one. Phrasing it as “My hot take, since we know the Democrats won’t do anything, as they never do, is that Democracy is officially dead once the R get close enough to steal an election”.

(I mean you will phrase it better cause my grammar suck)

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His supposedly great chances in 2024 are one of those things I just don’t really buy. I mean, four years is a long time. I know a lot of the rumors about Trump’s growing dementia and declining health a couple years back turned out to be way overblown, but the guy’s gonna be that much slower/fatter/etc. and it’s gonna be a tough sell to even a lot of the cult members. Not to mention he’s probably gonna be spending a lot of the ensuing years in court, the stress is gonna take a huge toll on him.

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how is it a tough sell for a guy they’re willing to disown family members over

also in the EC R’s gain like 6-8 points vs now so a net of double digits (if we assume all states remain the same, a few will not)

yes four years is a long time, but I don’t see a R beating him in the primary if he’s anywhere near up for it.

If he’s healthy enough and not in jail I could see the Republicans calling off the primaries and just nominating Trump. If he is in the primaries, he’s a stone cold lock to win.


No I get the insanity levels, and I agree he would probably win the primary easily (a threat to run 3rd party would take care of that even if he wasn’t doing so hot). I just think when the general comes around, there’ll be a decent chunk of people that look at him and go “ewww” and decide to stay home. People really aren’t jazzed about the possibility of 2-3 years of President Pence, and if they think that’s likely they probably don’t bother to wait in line at the polls.

In the electoral college they gain? How do you figure?

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Texas + florida gaining votes, NY, Cali and Illinois losing one each

Well, fuck. That’s not good.

I think how Biden holds up as (Jesus Hippocampus Christ) an 81 year old running for reelection will be the second most important factor after STONKS/economy. He beat an incumbent President with a reasonably strong economy* and it wasn’t particularly close, and there were a lot of asymmetrical disadvantages he had to face. Because they tried to be responsible, Biden and Ds couldn’t campaign that much, couldn’t go door to door much, post office shenanigans, DoJ interference, etc… All that will presumably be different next cycle. Shave 5 years off of Biden he wins 2024 very easily against any Republican I can think of, stable genius included.

*Deficits don’t matter, nice to have unlimited free money ldo

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I’d throw him $20 if he was on Cameo

Why not both?

Pretty much every Trump performance makes me cringe. They all go into a slow, lazy drone. Sarah Cooper is fantastic because she captures in her mimes just how expressive and dynamic Trump’s voice and body language are.

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If SNL writers had any integrity they should all have resigned after the Four Seasons press conference. What sketch could any one write that would top that.

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It’s a bit like saying cops would look the other way for another cop who committed murder

Or: cops are fascists and they won’t arrest fascism.

The movie Sophie Scholl – The Final Days always gets me in the end.Especially when the priest prays with her shortly before her execution.

Well in german media(based on AP) I read he is trying to get certain states(MI and PA) to sent Trump-friendly electors. Apparantly what would be ok because the parliaments of these states have the final say over who will be the electors. Thats why he is dragging shit out as long as possible, sow as much doubt as he can and then get these GOP-dominated parliaments to do the rest. How big of a possibilty is this?

There is some legal disagreement on whether that’s allowed, I’d say about 75% say it’s not and 25% say it is. But the governors would send separate electors, and the House would recognize those. The Senate night recognize the Biden electors too, we’d definitely peel off Romney for starters. It’s not a given that he could even get the Republican Senate to go along with it.

Plus he needs three states, not two.

Relax, folks. We got Sasse.

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