2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Our entire country would stop functioning on numerous, serious levels.

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This is what people are not getting. New TV networks and social platforms sprung up basically out of nowhere because a large number of people who are totally detached from reality couldn’t handle the truth. Up is down and black is white. And they currently control the levers of govt. And the people who could have nipped this in the bud two weeks ago have said jack shit and it’s spiraling out of control.


There have been “new social networks” for weird conspiracy shut ins every few months for years. Parler etc is nothing new. This is like the 6th iteration of a new Twitter for deplorables banned from Twitter.

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Omfg, the Supreme Court is not going to give the election to Trump, the problem is that even he already knows this.

He is on to plan B and he has 70 days to try everything possible thing during which he will still be the most powerful man in the world … and he is a desperate, cornered rat with zero shame or regard for any other human …

Metonymies are easy to misinterpret.

But Trump isn’t the brawny genius displayed by Ben Garrison. He is a moron. He is a coward. He has no idea the levels of power he has in the executive branch and will continue to get ideas from Fox News.

Well they might “legitimize” it after the fact, when their families are at risk of a little bit of re-education or whatnot. And of course, some of them will be happy to provide this service unprompted.

I’m just going to wait for rudy to ass dial me.

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I see it as being literally the exact opposite.

The GOP are showing that they will 100% push a full blown coup if they have a legitimate chance of pulling it off.
Imagine a close elections with a smarter R candidate and this is guaranteed happening.

Almost everyone act as if Jan 20 will make all this madness go away and in a way it will. The Republicans will completely ignore what happened and shrug it off as “well, we had to check the results are kosher. gotta do what you gotta do. Also whatabout Hillary” and the Democrats would move on because you have to be civil and fist pump Lindsey Graham.

We all knew Trump would act this way, but I’m almost surprised by the willingness of the GOP to push this even when they know it won’t work. With full control of the Congress in 2024, which could happen, this is pretty much game over.

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No one is saying that this is more likely than not, but that won’t stop people from saying I Told You So about a hundred times when Biden becomes president.


I’ll just consider them to be like lucky frogs that hopped out of the pot just in time without any idea of the danger they were in.

I dunno man, he already booted the guy who refused to sic the National Guard on protestors and replaced him with someone who would.

Make clear you are serious about not leaving, let the massive protests and counter-protests begin, order the boots in “to keep the peace” (and immediately fire anyone who “surrenders to the Antifa terrorists”)… and off we go…

That’s right in his wheelhouse…

They probably hate him more than the military with getting them all sick and having to babysit the trump family clown show. Got to be the worst detail they ever had.


Then a couple of quick court martials or executions for treason and it’s all over. That’s at least one way things could go.

Do people think other countries that had fascist takeovers didn’t have laws and norms which were violently ignored?

We are, because you think it’s awesome now we gonna whoop their asses. I’m saying you’re very much done for. You’ve ‘shown what they made off’ and people are pretty much fine with it. That’s the whole point of what they’re doing. It’s setting up the actual coup when they have a legitimate shot.

Trump got 70 million votes despite his behavior and will get more in 2024. No matter how much worse he gets, they’ll pull the lever.

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Possibly true. Most cops love him, but they don’t have to see him outside of the rallies.

I still don’t like putting any faith in cops even if the leopard has eaten their faces.

fox news would be great considering the alternatives but he’s not watching them anymore. it’s all OANN and newsmax now.

ah the great inventions of TV/internet in reality that just makes all insane and stupid

The secret service almost never leaks and even before he gave them and that head security guy the virus they were grumbling he was a pain in the ass.

I dont and never have had a lot of faith in our system but they would do what the courts say with a smirk of glee as they did it id guess.

so I tuned into the press conference and summary I think is Hugo Chavez from Venezuela stole the election.

I think they’re all in a contest of how many stupid things to say or falsehoods can you get in a sentence