2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Alright that’s fine but again if they leave the election hung, aka nobody gets to 270, the law is very clear. I mean you can’t wrap it on any conservative legalese bullshit. They can find some bullshit ways to twist themselves into a pretzel to say Joe doesn’t have 270, but they have no path to then declare Trump won other than fuck your democratic republic.

Pelosi would be sworn in, essentially on an interim basis.

There’s a limited amount they can do about this though unfortunately, it’s under the purview of the states, many of which have Republican legislatures.

If he manages to create any sense of legitimacy at all for his claim to the presidency, (even though we know it’s absolutely bogus), it’s not so easy to disobey orders. People will be worried about committing treason. People including SS and military.

Dude we’ve explained a bunch of ways. Secret service could escort him out, the military could if it came to it, Biden could head in and change the locks while Donald is playing golf.

The reason we can’t tell you which way is that there are abundant options.

You’re being ridiculous.

I don’t think Chris is talking about the DC police or the DC sanitation department here. He’s talking about the federal agencies themselves.

For any of this to be true, Donald Trump would need courage and bravery. He is an absolute coward who shrinks at the smallest of opposition. He has absolutely no appetite for this fight beyond tweets.

This is why he has barely appeared in public since the election. He is a small, small man who will continue to shrink.


That thinking should have died off after Merrick Garland didn’t get a hearing.

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Anti-intellectualism is a key part of fascism and dictators tend to be surrounded by incompetent yes men. The reason he’d have been impossible to remove in four more years was four more years of GOP voter suppression and having yes men running the USPS and such, weaponizing all of it.

The lack of competence is a big part of why this attempted legal coup has become a laughable farce, though. It’s definitely undermining him. But it’s also laughable because he lost in what I have been assured for four years is landslide fashion.

Yeah like I’m going to stop posting about this now because it’s pointless but there’s a difference between lol lawbro shit like Preet being like “William Barr won’t be able to do naughty things because of norms” and saying “the Supreme Court isn’t going to declare democracy over in the US”. There’s a difference between a thumb on the scale and taking a sledgehammer to the scale. A week or two ago everyone was like “zomg what if the courts back Trump” and Trump is eating shit in the courts. It was not lol lawbro to predict this would happen.

But yeah if you’re willing to countenance the possibility that anyone might do absolutely anything at any time, then I can confirm that the range of future possibilities is infinite. What if Rudy Giuliani eats Nancy Pelosi on live TV? Who would stop him?

Edit: To be honest bad example as this probably does happen in some timelines from here.


The point being made was that most of the working people at these federal agencies are Dems and/or anti-Trump. They aren’t taking orders from Trump on 1/21/21.

DC being full of Democrats means absolutely nothing. The city government isn’t going to decide who the POTUS is in any way. The local police will not evict the President even if they had jurisdiction in the White House, which I’m sure they don’t. I think the first line of police to enforce anything like that would have to be the FBI. Someone in the Justice Dept. anyway.

I would feel a lot calmer right now if Riverman would stop calling Trump out of the White House free money.


Again, for the rank and file FBI, same as the military, if Trump really doesn’t leave, it may go through some other courts first, but it’s going to come down to: Roberts, Thomas, Breyer, Alito, Sotomayor, Kagan, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.

Rudy isn’t part of the legal coup. Trump gave the competent legal coup guys a chance and they were clearly just going through the motions.

Rudy is part of plan B, stay in power through force of will, threat of violence and mob tactics.



Although I think Nancy could outrun Rudy. Or he’d end up at 350 JFK Blvd in Bayonne, NJ.

The transfer of power is very much handled by norms at least as much as by law. People will honestly be terrified of committing treason if there is any seed of doubt at all about if Trump is President or not. Things could spiral rapidly out of control and then it’s good night, America. I wish I had everybody’s confidence here that this is no worries at all. But think back 10 years and how you would have reacted to being told exactly what would happen under a Trump administration, and how the country would have reacted to it. It would have been considered a complete fantasy with 0.0 percent chance of happening.


Lol they’re still writing letters and “might hold a hearing” lololololol



This is absolutely not true. There is no reality where we just don’t know about this for another two months. There is also none where in 2.5 months this is a SCOTUS case. What would the case be?

Should I use smaller words or something?




And this:



Does anyone truly believe the SCOTUS gives Trump the election because and then Sotomayor and the other liberal justices are like “cool, onto the next case!”

At that level they wouldn’t be justices anymore.