2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I exercise through a super wealthy neighborhood on the water, the beautiful boaters have taken down their trump flags and given up

vince carter its over dot gif


Letā€™s cut to the chase. Whoā€™s going to do what? Is Mitch McConnell going to kill Nancy Pelosi with the candlestick in the Library? Are the Proud Boys going to defeat the Marine Corps? Are the III %ers going to conquer the US Army?

The fact of the matter is Joe Biden won. The parlay to send 270 electors for Trump is 1,000 to 1 against, and itā€™s guaranteed there will be 270 electors for Biden sent. Pence can refuse to accept the electoral slates for Biden from PA/MI/WI/AZ/GA, but the counting must be done with a joint session of Congress and Pelosi can keep the House from showing up.

If nobody gets 270 electors, it goes to the House and the delegations vote, the GOP wins this if norms are respected. Dems can blow up norms and refuse to seat newly elected Republicans, then hold the vote and deliver it for Biden.

Meanwhile for all of this to even get this far, the courts have to side with Trump. Heā€™s 1-32 so far.

For it to get this far, the SCOTUS has to say, ā€œNope the Constitution says weā€™re not actually a Democratic Republic, oopsie turns out we never were!ā€

Meanwhile if they do that we will descend into either widespread civil unrest and general strikes or outright civil war, and so far indications are that the military will not be on Trumpā€™s side.

While there are other avenues to delay the outcome perhaps, that leads to President Pelosi.

Iā€™m sick of people saying ā€œLOL okay law bros, cool story.ā€ No, you think weā€™re going to see a successful coup dā€™etat? Tell us how itā€™s going to go down.

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One of the few Trump houses on my dog walk route put up a big ā€œthin blue line Trump 2020ā€ flag a little before the election. 90% sure dude is a cop. Had 2 ā€œback the blueā€ signs and 2 trump signs. Those came down quick. The flag was up until 2 or 3 days ago. We had a big wind storm so thought it might have been that, but still not back up as of this evening. Only 1 single ā€œback the blueā€ sign in lawn now.

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Thereā€™s one small Trump lawn flag still up in my neighborhood, but two houses that had no flags up have put American flags up since the election. My interpretation is that theyā€™re saying ā€œWe took our country back, shove it awval!ā€

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If it comes down to it, the military will follow the orders of whoever SCOTUS says is POTUS. Trump is likely to once again be disappointed by one or more of his appointed judges, but no guarantees.

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Like everyone scared of the coup thinks this guy is going to pull it off?

If they sent Rudy an e-mail that said we want you to deliver Trump a coup dā€™etat by 1/20/21 at noon, Rudy would show up at like 4pm on 1/24/21 with a 1993 Ford Mustang coupe likeā€¦


Genuinely surprised no one on this forum has prank called Rudy. He picks up 100% of the time!


Anyone else besides me sweating the Michigan State Canvassing Board meeting on Monday? It is another 2-2 situation with one of the Republicans already on the record saying he probably wonā€™t certify.

Iā€™m not even arguing that Trump will succeed or even get close. But this nonsense line about ā€œno worries bro, procedures and lawā€ is absolutely fucking moronic after what weā€™ve seen happen in recent years.


This is a bit like saying cops will look the other way when you murder someone because they let you jaywalk. What Trump has gotten away with, while insane, is nothing compared to stealing an election.

Itā€™s a good thing cops have never been known to look the other way when some people commit murder.

I find it funny how Iā€™m supposed to explain exactly how a coup would go down but nobody can explain to me exactly how Trump will be removed if he refuses to go, the Republican establishment lends legitimacy to whatever nonsense fraud story he comes up with, and heā€™s installed loyal lunatics at the head of every part of govt.

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There isnā€™t squatters rights in the White House.

Ok tell me what agency drags him out when he has loyal maniacs heading every agency?

I dont know man, Iā€™ve never been good at writing fan fiction.

So you think heā€™s going to just come to his senses then. Good story, chap.

The weird thing about this though is that thereā€™s this assumption that the Presidency is like the conch in Lord of the Flies, that it has to be physically taken away from Trump somehow. Come Jan 21 heā€™s simply not President anymore. If he tries to stay in the White House he will be physically removed by the Secret Service. If he tries to issue orders people will ignore them. If his zomg loyal lunatics try to obey his instructions, people will disregard THEIR instructions. Again, most of the actual process of government is taking place in a city consisting almost entirely of Democrats.


bizarro world.

Donald Trump will not be in the White House on Jan 21. Joe Biden will be. Do we think Trump wants to be anywhere around Biden? He will be in mar a Lago that day, likely golfing. There wonā€™t be a Mexican standoff in the white house where secret service dont know who to follow. This is just insane fan fiction at a Garrison level.


Itā€™s a myth that fascists are competent or intelligent schemers. What they have is narcissistic grandiosity, complete imperviousness to shame or traditions, and opportunity.

Trump is just short of having opportunity and is going to be stopped at the 10 yard line here**, but itā€™s not because of his lack of competence.

Put another way, if he was re-elected, he would have had more people like Rudy around him, not less, yet we all agree it would have been nearly impossible to remove him.

** Not particularly close to scoring but far enough along to make you think how the fuck did he get that far???