2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I’m beginning to think that Rudy Giuliani is not the brilliant tactician I thought he was.


I mean, if they were selling cigarettes or crossing the street while black or protesting fascists, they might get arrested.


Did Tucker ever show any of the smoking gun documents about Hunter Biden that were lost and then recovered by UPS?

I believe the answer is no.

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This whole write-up is hilarious

Imagine a Muppet, but taller, scarier and more popular

“Every time I get on Twitter, I get this tingling feeling in my furry fingers when I know I’m about to send a fire tweet”

Gritty is predicting an Elon Musk-level ascension for himself

“Someone photoshopped me onto Knickers the giant cow, and I’ve never looked more majestic”

Note: from the 2018 year-end special

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In the context of the Mueller investigation ages ago, 538 did an analysis on like the “median” trump supporting talking head on the opinion side of foxnews that could eventually turn on Trump if things got bad enough, and that if he did, would signal the end for Trump. That median talking head was Carlson. (As opposed to a Hannity that never would turn).


Let’s be honest you’re not going to be treated that nicely


NYT has an article where professional hair stylists claim that it’s not hair dye? Behind a pay wall - what do they think was oozing down his face?

For real I’ll get forced labor probably @PocketChads is getting publicly executed and his corpse is getting hung from something. Every time.

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I just mashed the end key and skipped over the last 500 posts. Is there anything going on I need to care about?

There never is.



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Poast #317 is about Rudy’s hair melting.


They don’t need to swear in or accept Pelosi. Like there is no universe in which Trump was elected, so the remaining possibility is that the election is invalid under some fig leaf of legality, like the Senate just refuses to accept the electors submitted by the states or something. But in that case it’s very clear that Pelosi is President, with or without an inauguration. There’s no fig leaf of legality there. Then, the people who actually administer government, in DC, are overwhelmingly Democrats. This is a crucial point, I’d be a lot less comfortable if DC was majority Republican. Pelosi would be President not merely because the law says so, but because she’s surrounded by an entire city who also say so.

Even if you think DC Police are purely and simply servants of the ruling class, it doesn’t serve the interests of the ruling class to participate in a coup to try to keep Trump President. What for?




Lol see if he’ll do the same analysis for Unstuck :grinning:

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I have a well-off lawyer friend too who’s a Trumpkin, albeit an intelligent one. He and I and some other friends are planning a zoom call this weekend. Ordinarily, he’s happy to show off his MAGA hat and other Trump trinkets, but this time he tried to accept his invite with the condition that we don’t talk politics. I responded that I wasn’t going to watch in silence as our democracy is replaced with dictatorship. So anyway, I’m hoping to grab some insights this weekend, as Trump’s behavior is really indefensible for anyone with half a brain who cares about America.