2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Because he’s purging absolutely anybody with any morality and ethics and replacing them with conspiracy theory believers and other lunatics?

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It’s a bit tilting because you seem to keep saying the same thing without reading any of the replies.

“Unnamed somebody” = secret service. Or literally a security guard.

They don’t need to “keep following orders.” That’s not how it works. Biden will give the orders because he will legally be the president.

I don’t want to keep talking past one another on this so I’ll leave it at that.



Tucker calls out this stuff? Crazy shit just keeps coming.


I really want to ask the wealthy Trump-supporting attorney up the street what he thinks of all this. Some percentage of Trump voters are otherwise sane/rational people who are just extremely selfish and at least somewhat racist. God I hope this is gnawing at them, but I know it’s not :frowning:

Don’t sleep on:


I’m OK with sending Trump to the moon and being POTUS there.

I saw one of these guys on Twitter, the absolute BEST you will get if he is “yeah it’s bad but what about Stacey Abrams non-concession and Hillary saying Trump was illegitimate… Sure, sure what Trump is doing is way worse but it’s important to remember Ds started it and they need to apologize for what they’ve done also…“


Didn’t watch so I can’t report on veracity of said “goes after.”

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He didn’t go far enough with this. He didn’t replace the generals with MAGAts and USSS agents with Proud Boys. It’s too late for him to get enough people in position willing to help him.

The agency that will escort him out if necessary is the USSS.


One step closer:

Actually really calming to see tucker fight back on the crazy. Maybe that will calm some of the crazies it means Fox is sending orders that this is getting out of control


Well Tucker knows if all the crazies leave Fox, he’s out of a job.


I can confirm this is true. My dad mentioned it the other night - deer season is coming up and he can’t find any .30-06 cartridges anywhere in rural PA.

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That is…disturbing.

Tucker is reupping with Fox for obscene amounts of money and almost certainly never running for President. I guess the move here is testing shit out to see what may assuage the fury of the rubes when the :crossed_fingers: inevitable happens.


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But you would have to admit many would be deeply concerned if the law was not upheld.

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Tucker’s “pushing back” against the most batshit insane ridiculous fantasy-land conspiracy concoctions, only so that when the next slightly-less batshit insane conspiracy comes along, he can push it non-stop, have the rubes lap it up, and claim that he’s always seeking the truth, just like that when he “pressed for evidence” that globalist dictators were infiltrating voting software to switch 10M Trump votes to Biden votes overnight.


I’ll put my faith in the military before the police. I guess there’s Christopher Wray, until he gets fired.