2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

By who? That’s the part I’m interested in.

Who is going to protect him if he doesn’t leave? It’s not gonna be the military or Secret Service. It won’t be judges because they are laughing Rudy out of court. So who will protect him?

Probably like two secret service guys awkwardly walking him out. That’s in the hardcore scenario which unfortunately I don’t think we’ll get to see.

Also, implicit in your argument is the idea that Trump needs to admit he’s no longer the president for him to not be. Like of course it would be better for the country if he did that, and I hope he does (though I know he won’t). But it has zero effect on whether he is in fact the president.

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This is in line with what I mean by “it’s going to come down to the military”. He’s going to have surrounded himself with lunatics and potentially be ordering people arrested for treason and shit like that. And ordering the military to intervene. Will they ignore him at their own risk of treason? That is what I’m talking about.

You guys think it’s easy for military leaders to ignore the President?


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That totally depends on who is willing to follow or reject his orders.

Once Biden is sworn in, it doesn’t matter. Trump becomes a citizen and cannot order the military to do anything. I mean I’m sure you can get a few crazy military guys to go all in protecting Trump, but it’s not like a branch like the Army is gonna say “Trump is still president.”

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He can order plenty leading up to swearing Biden in. Including doing everything he can to prevent Biden from being sworn in. Until we see people with a backbone opposing this clown, I’m not convinced there will be any.

I think it’s easy for them to ignore Donald Trump at 12:01 pm on 1/20/21.


Trump is a coward. How many times has he said he declares something on Twitter and he gets laughed at? I mean he’s saying he won PA and GA and those states are like LOL no.


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I think ignoring “you have to keep me in as president after January 20” would be pretty damn easy, yeah.

They don’t have to keep him in. They just have to not remove him and continue following orders. I mean I really hope you guys are 100% correct and he gets dragged out kicking and screaming (by some as yet unnamed somebody) if he won’t leave. I would love to see it.

The fact that we don’t even know what agency would be responsible for dragging him out is actually a problem imo.


So the GOP is tweeting this shit but everything is fine. No problems at all.

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This is where you really lose me though. In four years he has constantly tried to “order” people arrested. It hasn’t worked yet. Why is it suddenly going to start working at the nadir of his presidency?

The dude with the nuclear football is not following him to Mar a Lago on 1/20/21. The army is not invading DC because he tweeted at them.

You’re being ridiculous at this point. His paths to keep power are absurdly unrealistic. There may be cases of violence and unrest, he’ll do immense damage to the fabric of our democracy, and our country is on a terrible path looking forward.

But Joe Biden is going to be president at 12:01pm on 1/20/21.


Tons of problems and we’re totally fucked. But Joe Biden is taking over on 1/20/21.

Trusting the military to keep us from descending into dictatorship kinda reminds me of trusting the DoJ to stop Trump.