2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Trump fires him tomorrow, laws be damned. Who will stop him?

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Trump is not going to pull off a coup, but we are on a pretty bad path right now. We have two more months of this, and there seems to be a lot of reason to believe that itā€™s going to get insane between now and Jan 20.

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Every. Damn. Time.


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Trump is going to push the envelope until Senate Rs very very credibly threaten to impeach himā€¦ that is the thin red line we are relying on.

Trump is 1-30 in cases and the one case he won was to move people from 10 feet away to 6 feet away. Even Trump appointed judges are laughing at Rudy and throwing cases out the window.

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senate holds a trial, nancy has to impeach first. also, even removing him from office does absolutely nothing for the transition, because the senate is humoring his bid to be inaugurated on 1/20/21. he could technically and theoretically be impreached, convicted, and removed, and move back in.

Guys, the major concern here is that we have a desperate, unhinged person that DGAF as president for the next two months.


If you had the power to go back in time to 2015 to change the results of the primaries so that Jeb! wipes the floor with Trump, wins the primaries, and then wins the general, but then he also wins re-election in 2020, and everythign else that has hapenned in the world is the same (Ginsburg dies, pandemic, dems retake house in 2018). Which path do you choose? Jeb! or current timeline?

  • Jeb! timeline
  • Current timeline
  • Bastard!
  • Cuse was right on election night!
0 voters


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I mean I get the point youā€™re trying to make I guess, but thereā€™s a reason in the intelligence world it is a dangerous thing to have people in positions of power who are more subject to pressure or blackmail. Itā€™s one of the reasons why Trump having all the debt is actually a big deal. But sure, continue making your point I guess.3 for 3, amirite?

I hereby claim all the Bastard votes, I WIN! LANDSLIDE!





1-32 now LOL.

Fuck, ponied by a second.

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Sketch out your scenario in which it comes down to the military for me. Seriously, not trolling.

The Republicans are going to win the runoffs by at least 2-3% each. It doesnā€™t matter what Trump says or doesnā€™t say. Ossoff ran way way behind Biden. Heā€™s not making up those votes in a runoff.



Meh, Gase would go 0-33 easily just so Trump wonā€™t get Trevor Lawrence as his 2024 running mate.




The next person up will be from the military high command and the correct metaphor for that scenario is ā€˜the next round in the magazineā€™. The next round will be another career soldier with a very very very similar world view. The reason weā€™re safe here is because Trump canā€™t fire his way to military support. In fact with each internally popular member of the military brass he mistreats his position with that extremely important power base deteriorates furtherā€¦ and itā€™s already totally fucking over for him with those people. Theyā€™ve had enough. The stuff heā€™s done already they donā€™t consider forgivable.

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The judge came off a federalist society list no doubtā€¦ so itā€™s more accurate to say the Koch Brothers appointed him.