2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I believe that is actually his official Trump Organization title.


heh whoops.


Guys, calm down.

Trump does not have a plan. What you’re seeing belies desperation and weakness. He’s too stupid and unfocused to coordinate any coherent strategy. He’s down to the most desperate sycophants. He will go, it won’t be dramatic.



He does not have a plan except to keep mashing the next button and never back down (because is emotionally incapable of doing so when he is cornered). After all this legal BS peters out, it’s time to fire anyone in the executive branch who might possibly oppose him (legal protections/procedure be damned)… who is going to stop him?


Almost half the country believes in his wild conspiracy theories and basically none of the Republican establishment has shown an ounce of integrity. If you are not worried then you are living in a bubble.

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The GOP is terrified of Trump sabotaging the 2 GA elections. The anger Trump has at the Dems is nothing compared to the wrath the GOP will face when he realizes Biden will be POTUS on Jan 20th. The GOP is hoping it’s after Jan 5th and not before.

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There was recently a plan to execute gov’t officials on TV apparently. Over masks. What happens if/when the law bros are right and he gets escorted out?


The FBI carries on entrapping dipshits?

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Chris Wray and everyone who approved that operation will be fired in December, at the latest. Who will stop it?

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If Trump is escorted out I’m a lot less likely to ponder half-assed attempts at assassinating government officials.

Does Rudy not have any family members? I’d like to think someone close to me would get me help if I turned into what Rudy has become.

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He has $45M. They kiss his ass to stay in the will.


The thing about insanity, it becomes reality if people let it. Why wouldn’t they stop delivering to cities when 3/4ths of them were talking about it in the summer for defunding the police cities?

She’s going to lose her golden fanny pack talking like that.

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That tweet reminds me of the argument “why shouldn’t we let people do X when we let them decide to sign up for war at 18.”

In my opinion, the correct response there isn’t the standard “yeah, that’s true, we should sell cigarettes (or whatever) at 18 because that’s when we let them go to war.” It’s “well maybe we shouldn’t let people sign up to go to war at 18.”

Son of Erick says “their religion has become politics” and then seems to suggest that once something is your religion, it’s very easy for you to believe complete nonsense to keep the dream alive. And hey, no argument here. Granted. But uh, can’t we apply that same thing to religion itself? Something tells me Erick wouldn’t be down.

Note that I’m not trying to take a cheap shot at religion for its own sake; I personally tend to think some of my own extremely-online-guy takes on religion have aged pretty poorly. I just found this metaphor coming from this guy to be too rich to resist.

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those kind of people you can’t help. They refuse

you’d just get kicked out of the will at least

It’s sad when religion is corrupted like this and people will believe, on no evidence and just because people are telling them it’s true, totally outlandish and crazy things like that an election was rigged. We must return to the halcyon days of believing, on no evidence and just because people tell you it’s true, very sensible and normal things like that a man was born to a virgin, rose from the dead, and will return to Earth wielding magical powers.


Does this look like a guy who is going to let a coup happen?