2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Nonono Keed and the other people attacking him for just wanting to pat himself on the back. Dude was manic as fuck for weeks, barely sleep, put in more work than most on this forum, and there are a bunch of assholes who want to make him feel bad for taking a victory lap.

You’re fine and your disagreement with him has merit. I’m talking about people simply being assholes.


Honestly you should probably consider why a dude taking a victory lap has you all riled up. Like I get it, the back patting could be kind of off putting, I thought so too at first, then I decided if it makes them feel better then good for them and moved on with my day.

These are stressful times Keed, we’re all going through a lot. But I think you got some resentment and insecurity you should address and let go. Smoke a joint and do some stretches or something.

Not really. Although the election was two weeks ago, who the hell cares. I was making fun of him for saying that posters should be faulted for not paying attention to how calm he was on election night relative to his pre-election posting and, I don’t know, taking solace in his serene confidence? Which, jesus christ. Insufferable.

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So GA keeps finding these memory cards that weren’t added to the tally. Seems like a GIGANTIC leak in the system. Hopefully they will clean that up.

How many other states have memory cards go missing? Every state should have a paper trail and do a full hand recount of each presidential election like GA is doing. Apparently it only takes a few days.

I wonder if that’s something Congress could stipulate - w/o telling the states exactly how to run the election.

As I don’t have any skin in this game, I’ma staying out this BS sports stuff…

Btw were going to the EURO’S :grin:

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The biggest GG Stan on the planet is making an issue of someone being “insufferable”…


The thing is, catching this is not reliant on ‘finding memory cards’. They just needed to compare the check-in tally with the ballot tally. You shouldn’t have a difference of over 2k.

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Super weird this is benefiting Trump. I assumed Republicans in GA set it up so that it would dramatically favor Republicans, but I guess it’s just pure incompetence all the way down?

Did they find another? Or is it just those two that been around all day?





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Speaking for myself, it gets me riled up to hear people talk about how it was wrong to freak out on election night. If you want to pat yourself on the back for correctly GUESSING that the <20k vote margins in Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona would end up going our way and not Trump’s, then have fun. But given everything that was on the line, and given how badly Biden was underperforming on election night, panic and doom were absolutely reasonable reactions.




Lawbros!!! You finally have a meme worthy of your majesty.




This is a big open question. If the MAGA crowd only turns out like 80% as much as they did this year, we curb stomp.

This depends heavily on how he does these four years.

Immensely competent at spearheading a multi-agency response.

Good at messaging, elite public speaker

I can think of one dude that fits that most of the forum would hate in that role (heir apparent for 2024).

Who says our turnout will be anywhere near as good as this year? We defeated the bad man. All is right in the world according to dem messaging the last 4 years.


I don’t get it? Unless normal scrutiny isn’t a law thing?

Not to mention it seems like democrats plan on keeping the same leadership, the same strategy, and same general direction that got us here which means they’re going to lose a big chunk of the progressive vote including mine.

Now that Trump lost, voting for the lesser of two evils will not be enough for most. I wanna restructure the DNC and its leadership before the next cult leader comes along.


I have a sort of hunch that might be going, if not almost completely gone. It wouldn’t surprise me to see a few consecutive one-termers.