2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

23 hours after the polls closed I was predicting 75K to 150K.


It better be over 75k because i just bet against the 60-75k bin on PredictIt!

Edit - and also under 105k! Lol


I donā€™t know how many votes are outstanding but if I had to pick a bin based on the best available information, 75-105K is the one to pick.


BTW Iā€™m greatly looking forward to being hailed as the resident cusenacki in the next election and whiffing hard on everything! Should be a hoot.


Just call a Republican win and youā€™re freerolling on this forum.


Iā€™m especially proud of making the arms fatter so that the hands appear extra tiny



Now theyā€™re saying a third county has an outstanding memory card lolā€¦ What a joke.

This one is < 1,000 votes.

Looks like that one got sorted out now as well


This is definitely a super bad look lol


It should not require this type of audit to catch these things. In GA, the voter ā€˜checks-inā€™ on an iPad type device when they go to vote. This basically involves them showing their ID and is the essential check to prevent someone from voting twice.

Then they go and vote. At this point thereā€™s nothing tying the ballot to the voter. But now you have two important numbers - the # of people that checked-in, and the # of ballots cast. Ideally those numbers are exactly the same (some element of human error is possible), but they should be really damn close, and definitely not off by 2k voters.

The GA deplorable groups I follow are already trying to make hay of it.

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And of course itā€™s Republican counties that are incompetent and Republican voters will blame it on Democratic conspiracies.


Yeah, I kind of care less that this is happening in a state with a Republican governor and SoS.

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Clearly Kemp is a secret RINO


Why are there votes on memory cards? Seems like a security leak.

So do these new ballots they found also have their down ballot votes added to the tallies? What if those races werenā€™t close enough for a recount?

Wonder if any local races will be affected by that.

Specifically those counties will include those votes and re-certify their totals. Other counties that already certified their vote will not re-certify in order to reflect these minimal (single digit) differences in the original count.

Maybe shit like this happens all the time and Lindsey Graham fucked up because he accidentally found an honest Republican Secretary of State. Whoops.


As Iā€™ve said before, especially at the local level, there are plenty of honest and principled republicans. SOS is a bit higher than the local level, but itā€™s not shocking.

This was posted in the betting thread by @hemstock.


Not gonna lie, this has me a little shook. They have legit equity in Michigan now and I think there is a real chance that theyā€™re going to go for it. If they pull it off in Michigan, theyā€™ll be emboldened to try to do the same in several other states.

Trump has equity.