The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

How far I got into bargaining? Look at all my posts in this thread ;)

I had us comfortably winning the whole time.


Inject it directly into my veins, bro.

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Pleaseeeee give updates for those of us without FOX

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Need 2 of NC/GA/GA-special.

I’m saying 75K to 150K, but I could be over shooting a little bit. I adjusted upward a bit because of that tweet. Although they’re probably including the votes arriving by 11/6, which will run it up a bit more if SCOTUS doesn’t tell us to shove 'em.

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If Fox is first to call it for Biden we are 100% living in a simulation.


Kanye West received 60k votes

Lol this country


I think the UP home game should be really low stakes lol. I’m not losing good sized chunks of my liferoll to you people. I know enough to not fill your trades if I can avoid it lol.


Bret Baier explaining to the audience that once a network calls a state, that doesn’t mean the vote counting stops. Imma need moar needles to titrate this shit up.


Oh shoot. Forgot about that. I assume the numbers we’re getting now include those arriving after 8pm yesterday. But it looks like they may not be needed to take the lead.


I can’t wait till Biden officially win so we can talk on how disastrous the election results are


Haven’t watched Fox News in a long time. Woooo, MyPillow commercial. It’s not even for a pillow! He’s selling bed sheets, not sure if the hood is included.


Depends how loyal the base stays to him.

Yeah I have no love for PSU, but I love Philly and the suburbs here.

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Are vote counters volunteers or paid?

Bit of personal news that made for a wild morning.

Went to bed around 2AM a bit drunk and not feeling awesome about the future due to Senate prospects and Trump generally competing. Woke up this morning to my girlfriend yelling for me to come into the bathroom because…she is pregnant!

Quite a whirlwind that I’m not sure I’ve wrapped my head around yet. Swongs are one thing!


I’ll take the L as I believed Trump would win up until today when I woke up, didn’t panic though. :grimacing:

Well OK I did panic a little… :smoking:

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My other choice was UT Austin. I’m an idiot and I run bad. FML.