2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

@anon38180840 was right.


I will point out that the GA SoS has an estimated net worth of ~$30mm. Maybe that’s helping him to maintain his political integrity.


You think saying black people don’t get to vote gives them equity?


23 followers tho. That said everyone is saying the same thing.

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It would make the George Floyd protests look like an episode of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.

They aren’t going to do shit.


Forget that their arguments are bullshit, racist, made up malarkey.

The results in Wayne County are not currently certified. They’ll now go to a state board for certification, which is also equally split. If those Republicans pull the same stunt there, what happens next?

A) Dems go tit for tat and refuse to certify any of it. The state legislature appoints whoever it wants, Trump wins Michigan’s electoral votes. Dems sue, it goes to the Michigan State Supreme Court - partisan makeup 4-3 Republican. Perhaps it goes to SCOTUS, partisan make up 6-3 Republican.

B) Everything except Wayne County gets certified, Dems sue to have Wayne County certified. The courts decide whether it gets certified and thus Republican-controlled courts decide the outcome of Michigan.

C) Whitmer or the Secretary of State certify Wayne County, Republicans sue, the courts decide whether it gets certified.

D) Any of the above happens, the court doesn’t rule before the deadline, the legislature sends Trump electors.

Like, there are a lot of potential bad outcomes here. There’s gotta be a >10% chance Trump gets a slate of Michigan electors and it gets kicked to the national stage.

Basically if the GOP wants to force it into the courts, they can do so. That opens a lot of avenues of fuckery based on deadlinse.

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Nah man the army has spoken. This shit is over. MI will land in the right column, but we don’t need it mathematically. This is just some local morons being morons. Trump has emboldened some people to think they can act like Trump and get away with it.

Plus again the plutocrats have clearly made their determinations on how this election should go.


It’s not a lock they don’t do shit. There’s gotta be at least a 10% chance.

If they steal Michigan, why wouldn’t they just pull the same type of bullshit in PA, WI, AZ, and GA?

True, but the horses may be out of the barn here.

Each of these election situations is happening in a vacuum. They don’t have power that translates from one place to another. In every place there are individual people making choices and they don’t see themselves as supporting characters. They’re thinking about what’s good for them personally and what they think is right according to whatever they believe in. In MI they obviously found the two most rabid nutburgers Trumpers they could find and put them in that role to create maximum havoc with the Detroit count.

There’s simply no evidence this is anything more than a random hit for them out of literally a hail of misses. The big thundering miss of course was when Milley got up and all but said that if there was an attempt to overturn the election the military would be getting involved… which is all she wrote as far as getting any new plan off the ground as Trump. Nobody is going to join him now, everyone with him got on the boat before the election and is now desperately wishing they had fled that boat with the other vermin months ago.

This is all the same reason that if Mr. 69 gets murdered somewhere other than wherever he’s from it’ll be because he annoyed someone new. Power is local. Very few criminals have the ability to project power more than a few miles from home. Very few countries either.



This is correct.



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“it goes to the courts, not the Republican state legislature.”

Doesn’t exactly make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I read like a week ago that this certification gambit in Michigan was the one state that Rs maybe technically have some equity. Ds have power in the key positions and/or law clearly on their side in other states that’s it’s not even a question.

What is worrisome is if they are able to successfully fuck w/ Michigan this time it could be a blueprint to take the election in 2024 no matter what, especially if Rs have a red wave in 2022 and get their people in all the key positions of power in swing states.

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Yeah, and I’m skeptical that the Democrats’ “ask them not to do that” strategy is going to be effective.


Hopefully not poniedon this, but this thread covering Guiliani’s court appearance is hilarious:




People keep making dire insinuations about the courts but the Republicans are getting destroyed there. They’re like 1-25 with the victory being nothing of consequence. American courts are not so far gone that you can just argue that black is white. Also advancing arguments that you know have no basis can get you disbarred.





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