2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON


muse name /// muse of…? /// greek pronunciation /// new orlenian pronunciation

ERATO /// love poetry /// [AIR-uh-toe] /// ee-RAT-oh
THALIA /// comedy /// [thuh-LYE-uh] /// THAY-lee-uh
TERPSICHORE /// dance /// [turp-SICK-uh-ree] /// TURP-suh-kor
CALLIOPE /// epic poetry /// [kuh-LYE-uh-pee] /// KAL-ee-ope
POLYHYMNIA /// sacred poetry, hymns /// [pah-lee-HIM-nee-uh] /// puh-LIM-nee-uh
MELPOMENE /// tragedy /// [mell-POM-uh-nee] /// MELL-puh-meen or MELL-fuh-meen
URANIA /// astronomy /// [you-RAY-nee-uh] /// you-RAY-nee-uh
EUTERPE /// music, lyric poetry /// [you-TURR-pee] /// YOU-terp
CLIO /// history /// [KLEE-oh] /// see-ell-TEN

—greek pronunciations taken from my old Meridian Handbook
—New Orleans pronunciations taken from YEW-too-bay


This was just posted unironically in the main “we’re leaving for parler!” Thread:


Yeah you’re a terrible vector it sounds like. Stop posting it lol.

True but 324 wins is going to get someone in unless there’s a steroid allegation.

Yea I posted it on an alt but within minutes:

That guy is the main qtard on the page and eats up everything.


Donnie Dumb Dumb told them to not believe what they are seeing and hearing

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Funny how they get a raging clue and immediately solve the mystery but fact checks on our end are fake news.

If this is the way people are now we’re beyond fucked. It’s hopeless.

Also - it’s hilarious that these dots think them leaving is going to take down FB Twitter etc. Such self important and yet clueless assholes. I saw one crazy in my FB feed talking about how “The takedown of the msm, dems and big tech is underway! ZOMG we took down uToobz! Twitter is next!”

That’s the thing and why they’re so invulnerable to counter misinformation. They only trust what their networks tell them to trust. Anything outside of that is met with a lot of suspicion. The only way to get through is to tell them things they already really wanted to believe, which is usually horrible shit that you don’t want them believing.

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“Fact checking is liberal fake news. I can’t believe you’d fall for fact checking. Guess you’re a radical leftist.”

Oh i just hit him with the snopes angle. Bounced off like a rubber ball against bullet proof glass.

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Yeah it’s hopeless. I was talking to my Jewish aunt who always belly aches about how Ilhan Omar is anti-semetic and she told me she donated to Perdue’s campaign. I calmly pointed out that he ran anti-semetic attack ads and of course she twisted herself into a pretzel to try and defend the donation and then got upset and ended the conversation.

They’re truly immune to reality.


They only believe what they want to hear. Getting owned by George Soros is not what they want to believe.

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GA SoS quarantined, wife pozzed.


If you read your link, it says that the law doesn’t allow for that. Electors must vote for the candidate who received the most votes.

Stop falling for the bluster, folks. Trump can’t be president after noon on 1/20/21

Walt so is DuckDuckGo the new deplorable search engine? My boss told me to DDG something the other day and I was super confused.

I guess because it’s not Google. It’s been around for a long time - my brother recommended it to me years ago and he’s a dirty lib. I’ve never used it, so I have no idea if the search results are good, but a search engine that doesn’t track you ain’t a bad thing.

Why would they pronounce it any differently in a place called Illy-noise.


Election shenanigans in Florida:

Local 10 News has found evidence to suggest three such candidates in three Florida Senate district races, two of them in Miami Dade County, were shill candidates whose presence in the races were meant to syphon votes from Democratic candidates.
Comparisons of the no-party candidates’ public campaign records show similarities and connections that suggest they are all linked by funding from the same dark money donors, and part of an elaborate scheme to upset voting patterns.
In one of those races, District 37, a recount is underway because the spread between the Democratic and Republican candidates is only 31 votes. The third party candidate received more than 6300 votes.
That third party candidate is Alexis Rodriguez, who has the same last name as the Democratic incumbent senator Jose Javier Rodriguez. The Republican challenger is Ileana Garcia.

Alexis Rodriguez falsified his address on his campaign filing form last June. The couple who now live at the Palmetto Bay address say they have been repeatedly harassed since then by people looking for Rodriguez, who hadn’t lived there in five years.
Local 10 visited Rodriguez’s place of business Tuesday, where Rodriguez lied about his identity. Pretending to be a business partner, Rodriguez shed little light on his sudden candidacy in the District 37 race and lack of fundraising or campaigning.

Alex Rodriguez received 3% of the D37 vote, more than 6300 votes. The race, currently in recount, has a margin of .02 between the Democrat incumbent and Republican challenger.


This seems like the best take:


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