2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Here’s a really good synopsis for those not familiar.


They feed into Gass Huff Junior High.


Is this a real chyron? Either way thank you. I almost hit the ground laughing.


It’s fake it looks like… but it’s elite trolling.

Now there is fake I would approve spreading like wild fire. What’s a deplorable to do with a Soros owned Parler?

Yeah it’s the kind of trolling that might actually cause the world to change very slightly. It really is elite stuff.

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Answer: No.

Apparently based on a post I saw by Dan BingBong it has caused him to have to frequently address the false picture and he isn’t happy about it. So yeah, good work.

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It’s the kind of trolling that turns these derps into hardcore, smug fact checkers almost immediately. They challenge stuff hard that they don’t want to believe. I’ve tried a lot of stuff like this, it rarely works.

Fort-ay isn’t how it’s pronounced in French, (assuming it derives from ‘fort.e’, meaning strong.) They just say ‘fort’, though in a really French accent, obviously.

What’s great about the Snopes article is you can double troll trumpers. “Well obviously you can’t trust snopes, its all libtard fake news”.


forte pronounced that way is Italian, as in the musical direction

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In California there’s a county and city called Los Angeles. Pronounced: Los Anjeles.


Illinois has a Des Plaines which they pronounce “Dess Planes”


Milan in Michigan pronounced my-lan

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Some of the Q people are pushing the idea Soros owns it.

I bet that image gets insane reach on Facebook.

There’s a school in Indiana that the locals pronounce “Noter Daime”


Ok i’ll play with it but i’m tellin ya i’m gonna get blasted when these idiots suddenly go full fact check. I tried to push some fake news a little while back with a similar result. I think the fact it comes from me turns on their defenses a bit. I’m not well received in my main trollgrounds.

One of the more iffy pitchers in the HOF.