2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Like the Hall of Famer Robert O. Clemente.

This is hilarious. And now suddenly they’re all about “fact-checking”.

Oh, you want Onion? Here’s a picture of VER-SAILS.

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45K ballots left to count. Not sure if that includes the segregated ballots.

Run. It. Up.


I mean they know which way Voldemort wants it to go. If I was in the White House right now I’d be significantly more scared of pissing off Mitch McConnell than I would be motivated to make Donald happy. Just parrot the Trump lines, keep your head down, and make sure you don’t do anything to change the substance of the situation he-who-must-not-be-named wants to happen.

There is way too much to keep straight with all the stupid lawsuit attempts, but if I recall the only case that might still be out in PA is challenging 10k ballots. Do we know if those are from yet to be counted segregated pile as that is the only thing they have any credible chance to claim are invalid?

Either way it won’t affect outcome in PA and especially now with AZ this keeps getting better and better.

Mell-burn. Right?

Not sure, nothing is in play that could change the outcome, though.


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Wait, what? Is that true?

I think the 10k are the ones recieved post-election day, and if so, those haven’t been counted yet.


No, straight troll.

Dan BingBongBango owns it

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For those who watched the 80s GI Joe cartoon, do you remember the episode with phone calls from “the Viper” that seemed to tip off Cobra plots?

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seems like a pretty low-energy coup we’ve got going here, no? Don’t these lawyers know that all their licencing problems will be eliminated once they usher in Trump’s second term?

You know this is a good point. George Carlin had a riff about how forte in English is pronounced fort not for-tay. We shouldn’t have to use the stinking French pronunciations.

“Paint Lick Elementary”?

Law firm withdraws from representing GOP in Arizona.

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