2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Just to show how bad it is, a few years back there was a massive scandal whereby a guy who was going to win the presidency got taken down because he’d paid his wife about a million euros for pretending to be his secretary.

It took me a few days of her being in the news (until I read something obv) to realise that she was British and was called Penelope. That’s because everyone pronounces it Pen-el-op. That’s how they say her actual name on the national news!


For a long time I thought Ralph Finnes and Rafe Fines were different people.



Although I’ve noticed in recent years most of the UniMarts in the towns where I grew up have closed or turned into weird gas stations that are also tobacco shops. I can’t tell if my hometown was always dirt poor and falling apart and I didn’t notice when I was younger, or if they’ve just fallen off a cliff in the past 5-10 years.

I thought Pharrell was pronounced like Colin Farrell.



Nope. Fur-RELL, seemingly.

This might be why that Arizona firm dumped him?

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How many people pronounce “Melbourne, Australia” like a local?

Ok might as well get in on the derail.

My N.Y. born wife was horrified when she joined my MI/MN family and we were playing Monopoly and all of us were saying “Reed-ing” railroad instead of “redd-ing”.

She thought we were joking and saying it wrong on purpose.

She made it a point to have us vacation out East so my kids would have a concept.

Now we live a few miles from the old Reading railroad stop at Valley Forge and we eat at Reading terminal market occasionally. We even found she has an ancestor buried in Reading.


This one is more understandable to anglicize bc it would be written Orléans in French (in fact Nouvelle-Orléans), so they’d already taken the liberty of anglicizing the name. Also the fact that everyone would butcher Orléans anyway.

I do! But I was friends with a girl from Melbourne before she moved back.

Au contraire mon ami !

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The White Sox had a rookie named Luis Robert. I expected his name to be pronounced Loo-eese’ Ro-bear’. But instead its pronounced Loo-eese’ Rob’-ert. Just like any American guy named Robert. I became culturally confused.

Luis is a Spanish spelling, not a French one.

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Yeah but the part of “Roberto” before the “o” is definitely closer to the French pronunciation of Robert than the English one.

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I once had a teacher of French-Canadian origin who had a student with the last name “Bucher”. She initially gave it the French pronunciation instead of the German one.

I am pretty familiar with law licensing / disciplinary boards (called “Office of Professional Responsibility”) and its basically impossible to actually lose your law license unless you straight up steal from your clients. Just another thing to LOL at the legal profession for.



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Yep, these GOP law clowns could get way more aggro without any real fear of repercussions. I think the real reason they are backing down is that their heart is just not in it.