2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

And I’m fine with it, it’s both true that a) Trump is the culmination of R policy and values b) that Trump’s re-election was a uniquely existential threat to our country. Getting him the fuck out should have been overwhelming priority, and fine with focusing on b to do it.

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I said awhile ago that Ds should start running trojan horse candidates in deep red districts. See who can be the trumpiest on the campaign trail, then if they win, surprise, I’m a democrat.


Except were just delaying the inevitable by not getting full control. Now we get zero done, economy remains super fucked, vivid remains bad, supreme court destroys voting rights. 2022 and 2024 Republicans win everything back and people continue to suffer terribly.

Trump was extra bad yes but Republicans in general are also a massive threat. They will continue to get a stranglehold on power and it’s only a matter of time until the next trump comes along and will be way smarter and in a much better position.

We dont win both houses by 2022 and get a lot of shit done were super duper fucked

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having more than one hymen




Georgia SoS now in quarantine



Misread this as George Soros.


I think everybody who’s slamming the pollsters is being pretty unfair and unreasonable.

Pollsters are smart people with giant computers and very sophisticated statistical models and algorithms.

If they ended up being a little bit off in a crazy year like 2020, I think that’s pretty understandable.

I’m very confident that all the good pollsters will be doing serious analytical work to identify the problems with their models and they’ll be back in the next election cycle performing better than ever!



Sound on, and you can skip to 1:36 for the real juice, but I recommend watching the build-up, it’s far sweeter.


This is all true. My skepticism isn’t a suspicion that they’re dumb or have tiny computers or are using abacuses. It’s that neither they nor anyone on Earth can any longer reliably succeed in contacting large numbers of strangers and cajoling them into accurately disclosing whether and how they’ll vote. I’m sure they’re aces with the data they gather, I just suspect it’s getting harder to gather data.


Mel-bn :)


Yes but you people put some demented r/y hybrid at the end of ‘No’. Absolute nimrods.

As a native of Tennessee, I think most people there pronounce it something like


I’ve heard many accusations about the perverse nature of Australian speech, but this is a new one and I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Got an example?

It’s not a serious attempt, but there’s two in a row at the nine-second mark that somewhat approximate it:

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They sure do like going after women.

And what’s with being super aggressive but telling others to make the first move.

I’d of put my foot under the tire and got paid…


Poll science will be like climate science eventually. A bunch of people will be on the poll denialism bus because they got burned as hard in 2016/2020 as green hippies who never understood climate science as it stood anyway.

Georgia hand recount/audit process (serious content):

Somehow everyone in the US has internalized that whoever touches the other person first is guilty of assault and when they know they’re being filmed they know the person is going to have hard proof of who did what so you get that aggression while begging the other person to touch them so they can fight and the other person can be grab a charge

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