2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

i don’t have a decade. not with him, perhaps with mom. sorta horrifying when coronavirus could get him before something else.

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Does he have any single sisters?

Confederate statues tho

How does white America fuck this up every single time? I mean, I guess it’s white privilege like always, but damn that is a layup.

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Dude these people renamed french fries to freedom fries. They’re not pronouncing anything French if they don’t have to.

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Your pony is going to the Freedom Glue Factory.

Ain’t reading 200+ new posts to see if my comment has been mentioned.


No worries, those reading will just have a strong sense of dee-juh vew.


I feel like the FBI under Biden’s DOJ should have a really easy time finding RWNJ terror cells. Nice of them to post it all in one place, above ground, under their own names.


With Arizona locked up, as a native son I just want to say YAZZZZZZZ!


A favorite of mine is: Bourbonnais, IL pronounced Bur-Boh-nis.

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Mitch and the gang are going to have blood on their hands for not having the grown up talk with trump that he lost and should concede.



I mean ALL of you rhyme ‘New Orleans’ with ‘beans’ so I wouldn’t be getting any airs and graces if I were you lads.


There’s a North Versailles near Pittsburgh pronounced North Ver-Sails too. Quelle dommage.

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The capital of Vermont is Montpelier. I didn’t ask Bernie, but I bet it isn’t pronounced like the French city. Not sure why this is an issue, you guys don’t speak French.


This pronunciation of foreign proper nouns where an English equivalent exists problem is something lol sports commentators have been wrestling with for years in the UK, thanks to football (aka sokka).

David (Ginola/Luiz) → Davvid

This whole derail seems a little strange as all it does is make fun of people who do not speak French, while at the same time not realizing that “correct” pronunciation is a very vague concept.

As some people have already noted, the “correct” English pronunciation of Los Angeles and New Orleans has nothing to do with how they are pronounced in Spanish/ French. I have never heard anyone pronounce Berlin or Hamburg “correctly” while speaking English (even I prounounce them differenty, depending on what language I speak).

The strangest thing about this is cities that have “official” English pronunciations that are not even their “real” names. Mocking people for saying “Kay-ro” instead of “Ky-ro” or mispronouncing Athens seems very strange, when the natives of those cities pronounce them “KA-hee-rah” and “Atheena” anyway (the “ee” is a little shorter than this transcription, but you get the point)


Alabama has a town spelled Madrid but pronounced MAD-rid. It also has a Louisville, but it’s pronounced LEWIS-ville.

HOF former MLB pitcher and Braves color man Don Sutton is from Clio, Alabama (pronounced KLEYE-oh)