2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

We also have Cairo, GA which is pronounced “KAY-row,” and Houston County which is pronounced “HOUSE-ton,” not HYOOS-ton

In the Pennsylvanian melting pot that is State College, PA, you can always tell whether someone was an easterner or westerner by whether they want “to go to a Wawa to get a soda” or to “Sheetz to get a pop”.

Although, the convenience store native to the finest street corners and gas stations of central Pa is actually Uni-Mart.

Yeah the pronunciation of the place is based on what the locals call it. I see no reason why the pronunciation of a place on the other side of the world would have anything to do with it. Trust me the pronunciation of versailles ky fits the place perfectly.

There’s a Paris, IL. The rubes pronounce it pare-iss.


You kinda aren’t honoring someone by naming a place after them and then mispronouncing it…

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But some of these names would require us to say them with an accent of another language to do them justice. My previous post was a joke but like, nobody here pronounces Paris the way the French do.

There is a big difference between Par-ee and Pairs and some of the other ones that have been listed. Besides, we didn’t seem to have any trouble with Lafayette…

You’d think the Southwest would get the Spanish placenames right, but no.

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That’s how they pronounce the street in NYC too.

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You guys were mocking Trump for pronouncing Nevada the correct Spanish way, now you’re mocking people who pronounce place names the anglicized way. Make up your minds.

I just listened to a Spanish language pronunciation of Los Angeles and if I were to pronounce it that way it would sound like I’m momentarily pretending I’m a Spanish speaker.

Same is true for the one in Indiana.

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technically it’s east rio and west rio.

I guess thinking about weird city pronunciations is less terrifying than focusing 100% of our energy on the impending coop attempt.


Honoring them is something someone felt like doing a long time ago. They were hoping that the glamour of versailles france would rub off on versailles ky. It didn’t and the name fits the place now.

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And I’m sure the people of Versailles, France would prefer the people of Versailles, KY pronounce it their own unique way so they can distance themselves as much as possible.

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The whole story, this being America, was probably closer to copyright infringement than it was to honoring a place. The pronunciations drifting apart is natural and resisting it makes you insufferable not cultured. You’re mispronouncing a proper noun.

I used to pronounce Spokane, WA as Spo Kane. My brother corrected me and said it’s Spo Can. I said BS, that’s a long E, not a silent one. He had no answer lol.

Goddammit, I was coming to post this.