2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

This would make an excellent pop bet (whether he will be banned)

It’s as if God himself said. “I want to create the the perfect avatar for Unstuck Politics.”

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He’ll either get banned or have to water down his tweets so much that it will leave his followers flaccid or dry as Mrs. Shapiro.


There’s no such thing as the perfect ava–



Funny, I’m re-binging “Justified” and they just pronounced it that way.

Several Republican challengers at the TCF complained about people inside the counting room wearing “Black Lives Matter” shirts. One Republican challenger complained she was called “Karen,” and told to go “back to the suburbs.” The moniker “Karen” has been applied to white women who make false and racially motivated allegations against Black people.

I like the last paragraph.

Election results are set to be certified at the county level on Nov. 17 and statewide on Nov. 23, barring intervention by a judge. Michigan’s chosen slate of participants in the Electoral College will formally cast their votes for Biden in December. He will assume the presidency in January.

This is 95% of all SCOTUS decisions. Make that 99%.

My other favorite is Athens=a-thins



In Los Angeles County there’s a town called San Pedro. Pronounced: San Peedro.

Rio Road in Charlottesville, VA is pronounced “Rye-oh”

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It’s crazy how they keep finding this Trump votes in a Blue county. Probably a Trump van dropping them off.


Eagerly awaiting the full hand recount in Arizona

It’s almost a 100% lock that people in the Midwest or Appalachia will totally mispronounce local placenames 100% of the time. Like, I don’t know how anyone managed to fuck up “Athens.” That’s not exactly an obscure placename, is it. Props to Athens, Ohio, which we actually pronounce correctly against all odds.

And the worst part is that if you try to pronounce these places the “correct” way, you become the asshole. When in Rome, I guess.

I believe it’s pronounced “roomy”


Both Athens and Rome are in Georgia (and pronounced correctly)!


This feels to me like someone who doesn’t want to see a forensic audit of the electronic votes.

“Nothing to see here, move along.”



Honestly, I don’t think the South does this, it’s like a weird-ass Midwestern thing.