2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Disagree. The size and power institutions like I’ve federal govt and the eu are the only bulwark we have against the power of transnational corporations. Sure it’s imperfect and mostly captured by those interests already but balkanization into smaller governments just makes us easier to pick off.


Democracy relies on people accepting living under a government with which they disagree on policies because the other side won.

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True the flock does not know but their leaders do.




Yep. Ignore time

It’s important to note that I’m suggesting that in the South the gap between what workers are paid and what workers create is meaningfully larger than in other states. They do not want to invest in educating their population because their population is extremely profitable and docile at the current level.

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I would think it’s blue states with higher wealth gaps between the poor/working class and the rich where that would be.

How are you so smart about literally one thing and so stupid about literally everything else?


I’m spitballing so I could be wrong about everything I typed here, but I suspect that the job mix across those two groups are pretty different. California is a weird spot though, there are parts of CA that could be AL as far as I’m concerned. Which is super weird honestly.

Are exit polls presumed to be more accurate than pre-election polls?

Its my understanding red states have a smaller wealth gap so wouldn’t that mean the workers are taking home more of a states total profit?

No. The income gets moved out of state through a variety of ways. Remember one of the main sources of spoils in these places is the natural resources being pulled out of the ground. That product is artificially cheap because the labor to produce it is artificially cheap and because there are basically no state environmental regulations to worry about.

If you stop and think about it the only economic reason for anyone to live in an agricultural area is agriculture or serving products to people who work in agriculture. Ditto for every other flavor of company town.

The company usually isn’t headquartered in Alabama. They’ll claim the profits from the extraction operation in Alabama where ever makes the most sense for their tax obligations. Those numbers are low because Alabama isn’t stopping them from relocating their profits. I think most economic statistics like GDP are understated in red states because of tax reasons.

Don’t get me wrong they’re understated in CA/NYC too, just different reasons.

Again someone is going to be right about this and someone is going to be wrong based on actual macroeconomic stats, but I’m too lazy to get this right. It’s just an idea floating around my head.

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Supposedly voter registration numbers began exploding shortly after the George Floyd protests.


Does not make sense to me but alright.

Don’t worry it doesn’t really have to lol. It’s something I’ll probably look for when I get really bored sometime.

Everything I’ve seen suggests the exit polls are fairly unreliable.

For example:


A lot of them own land that has been handed down for generations. My buddy owns a house and 5 acres of property. He makes like $9/hr. He’s 48 or 49 and has lived in it his entire life. The house has slowly deteriorated over the years because he can’t afford to fix shit that breaks over time. Well yea, of course not. You make $9/hr.


Does he vote progressive?

Tears have never tasted so sweet

Eta: changed link to screenshot


Yea he does. He’s well aware that he’s lucky to live in a house that was handed to him when his father died. He knows he would be fucked if he had to rent like most of his friends.