2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

In fairness to these lawbro explanations the lawsuits are getting laughed out of court.

This is a political/legal ā€œcoupā€ so political/legal bros can defend against it. There are hard deadlines so the perpetual delay strategy canā€™t work.

If he had the militaryā€¦ Well, if we won Texas and Floridaā€¦

Wish dems would start suing and challenging every close race and odd outcome in the country. Lets get crazy.


Well there was the Wisconsin recount in 2016 that went nowhere.






Iā€™m getting really close to sure that all of this bullshit is just the GOP establishment trying to improbably keep Trump from exploding until after the GA runoff. Fox is absolutely in on it of course.

IMO the attempt was telegraphed, has begun, and is in progress. Unless you answered ā€œsucceedsā€ or ā€œneverā€ you should already be in the streets.


Democrats should be figuring out how to troll Trump and get him to explode before the GA runoff, then.


Only reason I would not be in the streets is because I am a introvert with social anxiety. ā€œGoing out into the streetsā€ for any reason just is not my thing. I would participate in a general strike and/or boycott however.


Thereā€™s enough new pornhub search terms in this post to keep me busy for a week!

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In Canada we donā€™t have streets, we just use snowshoes to get from igloo to igloo.


Technically not wrong, but we are still at the stage where states like Pennsylvania, Arizona and Nevada havenā€™t even finished an initial vote count of all ballots yet. We know how itā€™s going to turn out but not really any official action we can call for yet.

Absolutely not. Thatā€™s exactly what Trump wants. He wants people out in the streets so he can get the Proud Boys and cops to take action on the American people.


Iā€™m having a manicure on the 19th, so it would have to be after that.

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Yeah, with all due respect, the "in the streetsā€™ approach hasnā€™t yielded much in the way of positive results. How much police reform have we seen? General strike though. Definitely worth a try.


If not saying people should be in the streets now (I answered ā€œsucceedsā€), Iā€™m saying that theyā€™re in the midst of attempting a coup as we speak.

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Iā€™m pretty sure that the polling errors regarding seniors was not so much because some of them lied, but rather because some were swayed at the last minute by Trumps doing 15 rallies in the last four days. Not the words he used at those rallies but the mere fact he was able to do them.


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