2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Ok also to be clear, these ballots are NOT going to be scanned. They are going to be reviewed manually, one-by-one. Not sure which part of Kim’s thread you understood otherwise.


This one.

Yes, that’s semantic. It’s an audit in that they are following the audit rules (manual review of each ballot). It’s a recount in that it carries the legal weight of a recount.

*They are going to be reviewing all 5MM ballots one-by-one"

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My poor mom is shook as fuck thinking trump is going to steal the election. I’m having to like one of the nerds in here telling her it’s over, he cant steal the election, gap is too far etc.

Maybe I should get her to join and give a waaf badge instead. Shes to the left of like 30% of you chumps anyways. Might catch a ban for how she thinks we should deal with trump though


It’s not a recount. A recount would involve scanning ballots. This is an audit of every ballot with the legal consequence of a recount.

We’ll allow it.

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I absolutely dont trust GA at all. Thankfully it doesnt come down to them because if it does it would 100% be flipped. Since it doesnt I sent think much changes and it’s just to appease trump and for turnout in the special election


It’s not going to change the result. No one, not even Brian Kemp, wants to see a ~20k variance in outcome based on a hand count. It just gives the GA GOP political cover for the next week so that they are doing something. If you were interested in overturning the result, you’d be drumming up some kind of systemic issue w/ mail vote in a particular county or something.

Can someone explain to me like i’m an inattentive five year old what we’re freaking out about today? Hand recount? So? Won’t it just show mostly the same results?

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We are not freaking out. We’re having a discussion about what exactly is going down in GA. Yes the manual recount will probably change the outcome by a few hundred votes. Probably mostly due to inaccuracies involved in human error.

When Will You Be In The Streets
  • Actual Coup Attempt is Telegraphed
  • Actual Coup Attempt Begins
  • Actual Coup Attempt In Progress
  • Actual Coup Attempt Succeeds
  • Never

0 voters


In the rare event that the recount or whatever you want to call it changes the outcome, does Biden then have some recourse to do another recount? And can I assume the recount gets witnesses from both parties just like the original count?

We sure hope so. I’m not 100% sure about anything that involves Trump and Georgia Republicans though.

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You seem pretty plugged into this. Has the SOS or any other official actually explained the logistics of how the hand recount can be completed by the 20th?

They could do a TRO to try to delay certification of the results, but I assume they’d be screwed.

I really want to push back on the people on Kim’s thread on Twitter that are like, this is normal because the race is so close. The race is not that close. It was close when Biden was up by 1,400 votes. Now he’s up by 14,000.

I can pull up the GA election results and find you five local races in GA that were closer than this one.


No he did not get into details on the logistics. He said something about how he comes from a background in construction, and he’s all about deadlines.

Yeah it does seem to fall in line with their overall plan to try and delay counting as long as possible.

@Riverman They’re telegraphing it now, but there’s no indication they have any showdown value at all.

I’m in the Trump being in office on Jan 21st being sub 1% crowd. That being said it does seem a little bit odd that the counter to a coup is lawbro explanations. Isn’t a coup by definition an overthrow of the law/government/rightfully elected leaders? The only reason Trump won’t be successful in a coup is that he doesn’t have a willing army. If the military was chomping at the bit to install him as dictator for life the courts would have zero ability to stop it.


How much extra $ is this recount gonna cost GA taxpayers?