2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Yes, the electronic machines now print a paper record, per the SoS and other sources.


I’m thinking the “hand recount” should go faster because they can’t match the signature any more right? Once the ballots are in the general pool, they’re fully anonymized.

Ah - good to know. That makes me feel a lot better. Wonder if Ohio and FL do that now too.

Georgia will be recounting two types of ballots:

Mail-in vote - These are real paper ballots that can be verified.

In-person votes - The voter makes a selection on a touch screen. The machine prints out a piece of paper with an encrypted QR code, and the listing of selected candidates in plain text. The QR code is scanned by the machine and is the only thing that matters in terms of tabulation. The human readable part is just there for reference. In this case, they will be hand recounting the human readable text.


Gonna be funny when it turns out they rigged the machines to help Trump and with the recount he loses by like 250K votes.


Your pandemic hair is a lot neater than mine.






Everyone calm down

We’ve discussed this already ITT.

Look, the full hand recount is not going to overturn the results in GA, but no one is going to convince me that this is normal procedure and not 100% political.


But it’s not a hand recount. It’s optical scanners, and it’s something they do with one race every election. They’re just doing it with all of the votes since it’s faster than the selecting the massive sample they would need for a race this tight. They’re calling it a full hand recount to make Trump and the nutters happy.

At least according to Kim Zetter.

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Of course it’s political. They’re trying to keep Trump happy and keep his base riled up so that they turn out on 1/5 for the runoff.


Well that was the sound of the entire reason I came around on the Biden candidacy blowing up like the death star…


You are misunderstanding. Yes a “recount” in GA means you re-scan the ballots. So this isn’t a "recount’. It’s a “manual audit of 100% of ballots and the tabulation of the audit will be the official result”. Is that an important distinction?

If Republicans are going to challenge everything, including signature matches, and Democrats aren’t willing to do the same, Republicans will win everything.


Not according to this Kim person who seems to be getting a lot of cred. According to her the only difference to what they do every election is they’re doing all the votes instead of a random sample - which seems to make sense as a random sample of a million is harder to parse out than just counting them all.


(guy has a blue checkmark fwiw)

What Kim is saying is not 100% incorrect. Some of it is wrong, and some of it you are misunderstanding what she is saying.

This is the first general election for which these machines have been used. My spouse is an elected official in the state of GA. I’ve had numerous conversation with the GA Democratic party’s Voter Protection Director in the past week.

I’m happy to explain, but you seem like you aren’t too interested in understanding.


I’m very interested in understanding. I didn’t know you had the inside track.

So is it correct that before this election there was no paper trail for the e-machines, and that is the new part?

Is Kim correct that they’re going to optical scan every ballot, not eyeball them?

Do signatures still need to be matched, or is that part is done?

What other stuff is Kim incorrect about?

Yes this is the first general election with these machines. State law is as follows:

  • Candidates can request a recount
  • A recount is defined as re-scanning every ballot (mail-in and in-person paper ballot). Note that the in-person paper ballot is a machine readable QR code, but it does include the selected candidates in plain text.
  • After every election (although this is the first) the Georgia SoS selects a particular race. This can be any race. A risk audit is performed whereby a sampling of ballots is hand counted and then machine counted. The sampling is determined by how close the race is, and certain risk level parameters. The results are compared to ensure that the systems are working properly.

In this particular instance the Georgia SoS has perverted this process by calling for a risk audit of the presidential race with a risk level of zero. This effectively becomes a full manual recount. This cost is borne by the individual county elections offices. I would bet big money that you will NEVER see a 100% risk audit on a statewide race with a five-figure vote margin EVER again.

It’s not going to change the outcome, but it’s also 100% political hackery and not appropriate. Biden would never be afforded the same treatment if the results had gone the other way.

Kim’s thread to me just looks like semantic games to normalize hackery.

Regarding your question on signatures. All the mail-in vote has long been separated from the original envelopes. There is zero way at this point to match up a ballot to a voter. Any mail-in votes that did not scan properly and perhaps required adjudication to divine voter intent have long been transferred to clean ballots.


I’m sure it is hackery. I’m mainly just concerned with will it be done in time or leave the door open for something stupid.

“hand” recount implies something that should take a long time especially considering half the counties in GA aren’t even done yet from the first time. But if it’s optical scanners, and all the painful signature matching or other checking doesn’t have to be done - then it makes more sense they could get this done in time.