2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

They are just going to stop counting when Trump has the lead on 11/20 and cite Bush v Gore?


Isnā€™t the ballgame here to intentionally not get the recount done by the certification deadline?

I also imagine Trumpers challenging every single mail in vote a la Florida 2000.

Iā€™m getting shook.

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Well thatā€™s just bullshit.

shy boomers?



By Bush v Gore rules, the original count would stand if the recount is halted.
I know LOL PRECADENTS and all


I think itā€™s even more LOL PRECEDENTS than usual, because unless Iā€™m mistaken, the ruling in Bush v. Gore specifically stated that it shouldnā€™t be used as a precedent in any future case. I might be misremembering something, though.


Elections probably already rigged.

Biden won despite rigging.

Typical Republican incompetence.


Lol these fucking people. iā€™M dOnE wItH mEdIcInE tHeY cAnā€™T cUrE eVeRy DiSeAsE!! If they can isolate the misses to SENIORS then that chops down the range of theories about the error quite a bit.

Lol read the meme again.

Four Seasons Total Landscaping cashing in


Yes Bush v Gore was very LOL. They basically said you canā€™t do a recount (or not do a recount) in all these different counties with different standards and all that because Equal Protection. Which then begged the question, well what about the major differences in voting rules already in existence across states and counties. So SCOTUS had to say, this Equal Protection claim only applies in this exact situation and shouldnā€™t be referenced as precedent for other cases.

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Does the actual first count have special legal status or could Kemp ignore it and only sign the ā€œauditā€ declaring it to be Georgiaā€™s official count?

Georgia SoS made it clear that the result of the hand recount will be the official results.

It really doesnā€™t matter at this point, the ā€œrulesā€ are obviously completely out the window if they try.

So GA does have auditable machines with a paper trail now?

Otherwise what does ā€œhand recountā€ mean?

I didnā€™t think so. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if theyā€™re just auditing the mail-ins.

I used it as my virtual background for a zoom call yesterday. Got a good laugh.


The state has jurisdiction over most election matters. Thereā€™s an argument that Equal Protection means that standards should be uniform within a jurisdiction (i.e. between counties within a single state) but not across separate jurisdictions (different states). Whether the states should be the top-level jurisdiction for elections is a separate political question that the courts should not resolve.

Of course, Bush v Gore was about picking a desired result, then coming up with the least contorted reasoning.


