2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

In a casino that Trump owns.

so the GA SoS is indeed going through with the “full hand recount”

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Seriously. Reading that tweet I was thinking, “Geez, betting on politics against Mike Matusow is free mo— oh. What a moron.”


How is this the NYT’s current summary of Georgia?

Do better


Notes from Georgia SoS press conf

  • They used Covid excuse to pull the local/state run-offs into the same Jan 5th run off (previously these were scheduled for Dec 1st)
  • They are going to do a "hand recount’ of all ~5MM ballots by 11/20 (certification date)
  • He was asked several times how a hand recount could possibly be more accurate than using the machines. No good answer.
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Lieu has to be careful about Poe’s law with this stuff, he’s going to suddenly find himself with 10s of thousands of feverish supporters that are QAnon die hards.

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you’ve got to be kidding. What kind of resources does that take?

5 million ballots. At 1 per minute per person (assuming reviews on some taking substantially more than 1 minute, thats 83,333 hours. Assuming 1000 counters across the state (?) thats 83.33 continuous counting hours. If they do 12 hour days, thats a calendar week.

Seem reasonable? Cant they just do some damn samples of say 1000 ballots and compare vs the machine. and LOL GA isnt even needed. What an effin waste of time and effort.


I’d estimate that you would need several hundred people (300, 400?) working 8 hour shifts.

He was asked this and said some unconvincing mumbo jumbo about risk limiting, “probability theorem”, and how the “experts” said the race is too close to do it this way. “If you pull 100 ballots, it might show this person wins. If you pull 10,000 ballots, it might show that person won. If you pull a million ballots, it might show a different result!” (I’m paraphrasing)


Can shenanigans happen? Like is Trump going to “win” by 2 million votes? Or is this just a LOL thing?

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Maybe, but it would be a pretty big problem if a “hand recount” was introducing ~0.2% changes in results.

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Ok I feel better.



This isn’t quite right. The ‘risk-limiting audit’ is a requirement of GA election law, where one race is selected by the SoS, and a SAMPLING of ballots is selected to ensure they match with the original counts. He’s taking some liberties with this rule to turn it into a full hand recount. He also confirmed that whatever the results of this recount are will be the officially certified results.


It’s useless in this case, but isn’t a hand recount the check on voting machines that many in this forum were looking for?

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why use a computer for accuracy when you can have 800 different people count by hand what could go wrong


She mentioned that. Basically it’s cheaper to just count them all.

I’m highly skeptical of the claim that in order to reliably verify a race with a ~0.2% difference that you need to recount millions of ballots by hand.

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Yes, I read the thread. I do not buy it. 0.2% is not even a particularly close margin.

I guarantee you that going forward GA will not be doing regular hand recounts of statewide races with 5 figure vote differentials. There is absolutely zero chance they would be doing this if Trump had won by the same margin. This is to appease the Republicans, period.


They haven’t even finished the initial count in 8 days. And most of that was done by machine. How the fuck are they going to recount all ballots by hand in 9 days?

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