2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Lol Phil, Bovada even has a line on this rn

Will Donald Trump Personally Concede Defeat By November 17 2020?

  • No -2500
  • Yes +850

How is hellmuth so bad at gambling?


Ted Lieu for speaker





I wish so badly that Lieu could be POTUS


lol itā€™s not even gambling, Hellmuth canā€™t real tells. Trump has this tell where when he loses something he Literally Never Ever Admits To Having Lost. Itā€™s a shame that Matusow picked up on it before Phil.

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This is why. I will change my mind if the Democrats take the senate.

Ineligible, born in Taiwan


Honestly I donā€™t see Trump stepping aside even after the electors vote against him and he loses all his court cases. I think heā€™ll try to stage some kind of military dictatorship. At which point, Republicans in Congress will reluctantly admit that ā€œDemocracy is a bit overratedā€.

The Liberals were really suppressing votes in 2012, with the help of Traitor Rino Mitt Romney!

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So I gave @tomdemaine 100:00 odds on a $1,000 bet that Ivanka will not be the democratic nominee for president, ever. Trump admitting defeat in the next 6 days is still a lower probability event than that.


Thanks. Iā€™ll give it a listen. I think I just went way too far down the derp rabbithole last night and it got me.

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Quinnipiac polls are never wrong so we should feel good here

Part of me is saying that I really canā€™t keep drinking like this. The other part says donā€™t listen to him, heā€™s drunk.


lololololol at Quinnipiac publishing this poll. Like there was a pretty extensive likely voter poll done about a week ago.

Lol I did the same thing which is why I was waaf like 12 hours after it was called for biden. Their delusion is terrifying

So, what youā€™re saying is that

  • Trump somehow stays POTUS
  • US ā€œliberatesā€ Taiwan to stick the finger to CHINER
  • Taiwan becomes 51st state because Trump thinks they will be thankful voters for his third term
  • Ted Lieu becomes eligible and wins in 2024?

Decision Desk has called both Alaska and NC for Trump, Arizona and Georgia the only uncalled states left.

I mean my shock was in the fact that it seemed like maybe trump has a snowball chance in hell staying in office. I thought we were like quads over quads on the turn and doing a dance before the dealer ships us the chips. Instead I feel like heā€™s somehow got a 5th card in the deck and could hit it on the river.

Sorry for the bad poker analogies.

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that would constitute a foul deck.

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