I am concerned about the GOP trying the ‘legislature declares their own electors’ thing specifically in GA and specifically just to see what is theoretically possible.
Yeah having one political party go full authoritarian is not fun.
I’m not really worried about the legislatures ignoring the vote and sending GOP electors because these yokels are gonna realize pretty quickly that their personal safety is at risk.
This country is pretty gutless but if a couple dozen GOP hacks in these states actually try to go through with this shit their lives will get very uncomfortable very quickly. When that light bulb goes off, they will knock it off.
What about my “try it one state” theory? Particularly GA. Depress the Dem voters.
The first poll for the GA runoffs has been released. I’m not posting it.
Last I checked, yes to the Biden ~13k ahead.
There are like 46k ballots left. A good chunk are provisional and some good percentage of these will be thrown out. 18k of these are in Pima (Tuscon) which is the bluest area. Trump needs like high 60%'s for everything left IF they area all counted.
He will probably still make up some ground, but VERY unlikely he can.
I still don’t get why Georgia hasn’t been called, at least with Biden as the “apparent” winner. I just want to see the map filled in.
2012: votes for Trump, 0
2016: votes for Trump, 62,980,000
Notice something fishy?
Yeah, whole bunch of OCD people around the country likely freaking out right now.
AJC Polls
Perdue leads 50-46
Loeffler leads 49-48
So realistically that’s
Perdue 54-46
Loeffler 52-48
At best.
Must correct for Shy Perdue Voter and whatnot
I gave the R’s all the “undecided” respondents.
So this means Cuse is banned, right?
GTFO with your suppression poles
Have a good life Cuse
lol Hellmuth - freest of money betting against him
Wat. 6 days? Trump isn’t conceding in the next 6 years.
when mike matasow is outwitting you…