2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Nah from prior tweets still seems there are a decent amount of ballots in AZ still. And I’m sure it would be huge news if it were true, not just random twitter accounts reporting it.

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In before trump just hired someone called Alfie Davids who says there was yuge fraud.


The polls where I put (estimate) are the ones where they are still counting votes and that is likely to impact the totals. The rest of the states are either done counting or have so little left outstanding that it’s unlikely to change the outcome much.

Holy shit just noticed these guys suits


Please point at what I’m supposed to be laughing at, I’ve bought two suits in my life… Both were purchased on the same day at men’s warehouse and haven’t fit in years.


Colour mismatch and they don’t fit.


Generally people pick pants that are the same color as their jacket.


[ ] properly fit
[ ] ironed
[ ] matching/complementary colors
[X] ready for our big debut at the Four Seasons


I will admit I’m starting to freak out slightly about the whole legislatures choosing their own electors thing.

A Wisconsin Repub floated it out loud yesterday - GOP lawmaker suggests Wisconsin electors choose presidential winner

I guess my concern here is that the only reason why they wouldn’t do this is… political blowback? When has that ever saved us?

This process requires zero legal evidence – it’s pure politics. It might require the SCOTUS to bless it.

I think the color mismatch happens when people almost never wear jackets so they have 5 pairs of dress pants and one suit jacket. So if they need to “put on a suit” they just throw on the jacket independent of what pants they happen to be wearing.

I really don’t miss suits and ties. I’ve been working in a hoodie since March and no one gives a shit.


Yeah, this is a key and underreported thing. Trump is shouting “FILE LAWSUITS” so his lawyers are filing lawsuits. Here’s the thing though, lawyers can’t file completely frivolous lawsuits with no basis in fact or law or they get disbarred. So they are filing the lawsuits they can, challenging literally dozens of votes in some cases. If every single lawsuit currently pending (including the PA one about late-arriving ballots) was decided in Trump’s favor… It would change the outcome in exactly zero states.


Narrator: Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots were not invalidated.


But is the real plan to delay election results long enough with frivolous lawsuits and investigations until the undemocratic solutions are on the table.

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These lawsuits aren’t slowing down the mechanical process of certifying the vote that I’m aware of. But I will point out again that I can’t tolerate putting real thought into the minutae of the election process once it’s obvious who won. That’s where we are.

Biden’s lead in Georgia is now up to 14,101. He’s going to end up with a larger margin in Georgia than Arizona.


You were not shocked

There’s an odd request pending in GA to “hand count” every single vote prior to certification (11/20). We should find out today what is going to happen with that.

Sizzli. I win.

He would still lose and there would still be a runoff for Senate. This is why I’m not sweating these. Even if he somehow managed to steal one of these states he still loses badly.