2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

My plan was really to just keep it simple, but 007 insists that I make all those fucked up gadgets so he can look cool and get laid. I mean, a gondola hovercraft? I said it would make him look like an asshole, but he begged me to build it just like he dreamt it. Look at that fucking thing. Methinks he’s compensating for something.


Sheetz is like Wawa, except for western PA. :rofl:

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I’m just the opposite. I’ve lived somewhere in Oklahoma my whole life, so I’ve only ever seen QT, OnCue, Caseys. Gonna have to search out a sheetz for the next road trip now.

Like 1st level, Nick Szabo level deplorable.

I just cannot conceive of how these geniuses can be so blindly all-in on the most absurd, baseless conspiracy theory idiocy. Yet they are.

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Yeah his takes on COVID are really remarkable for a guy who’s all about diving into numbers.

I grunched like a thousand posts so this may have been covered - the few derps left on my social media that didn’t bail to parler are saying that the evidence of voter fraud is that Biden got more votes than Obama. I think that pretty much settles the case.

So did Trump, so I guess that’s good news…



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They got him, Biden is finished in Michigan




Sighlol/lolsigh 222-213 is a pretty thin majority. 224-211 seems slightly more workable. In either event, it’s the smallest majority since:

107th (2001–2003) 213D - 220R with 2I, and these two are the smallest majorities since 1933 (maybe also 1953-55, I’m just eyeballing it).

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good fucking work Pelosi


Man, I have immense respect for anyone who understands the faint regional differences that distinguish Wawa from Sheetz, that is some authentic Rust Belt eldrich lore right there.



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first they had their own rallies, now they have their own app. what’s next, their own paramilitary?

They’re all still counting votes.

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Listen to this podcast to calm you down about the courts. It’s 3 lawyers, one election lawyer, who have been pounding that Bush V Gore 2 was coming. They recognize how insanely partisan the court is more than anyone here. Their entire podcast is based around it and they were terrified of it happening. Yet they say here that the courts won’t be able to save him here. The vote count is way too large, too many states, there is no legal process for the supreme court. They even point out all the lawsuits Trump has wouldn’t even flip the election if he won.

The only one so far that is big enough for them to win is the one declaring all mail in ballots should be illegal which ain’t happening.

Plus the podcast is awesome, hilarious, and pretty progressive. Its the first one " the courts can’t save him "



I read some random twitterings that:

• Arizona has essentially counted all the ballots
• Biden is still up by >13K
• Automatic recount threshold is very low (like 500 votes?)
• Only state officials can decide if there will be a recount

Are any of the above untrue? If not, is anyone aware of when these officials will make a determination? I’d like to see the race called by all the other networks.

“Ooooh, all the networks!?”