2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Most tilting thing about all this is none of it will matter to them. It’ll be leftist election committees, leftist investigators, leftist judges, leftist supreme court until eventually they realise that democracy is for leftists. Of course, hopefully, this all happens over the next four years via internet forums/twitter rather than any course of action.



Define wafflecrushed.

Shats fired. That was spicy.

I figured the only provable voter fraud would be votes for Trump.

ETA: wtf is sheetz?


Wait, so Quinnipiac polling was Q all along? Hiding in plain sight, clever bastards.

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This is where we’re at lol…


My favorite parts are that Biden/Harris workers are apparently doing this in broad daylight on the side of a van and that this woman saw it, did nothing, then came back later and they were still doing it, did nothing, now a week later she cares.

How much was Project Veritas paying people to come forward?

sheetz is lyfe.

greatest gas station in the country…

fight me wawa idiots…

would you believe surveymonkey’s final poll was correct in about half of those?

They’re currently 3rd on the podium of 3 pollsters that aren’t fired into the sun after this election.

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those polls are all just part of Q’s plan

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Ladies and gentlemen, as well as non-binary and other sorts of folks,

I do believe that Nate thinks something’s fishy on InTrade:


It’s not Reagan/Mondale but it’s up there. People are just paranoid because Trump ran hotter than the sun most of his life. He still got his ass kicked in the 2020 election. Biden got a higher percentage than even Reagan did. It’s only because of GOP shenanigans that the election looked closer than it was.

Your pony has an MoE of 100%

eta maybe it should stand, that specific tweet wasn’t linked but the two preceding tweets in the betting thread were

I, uh, don’t think I saw anyone else making that callback recently?

It’s like he’s still surprised that small markets with weird contract issues don’t necessarily clear.

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When I was younger, I had an idea for an upscale c-store chain. It was going to be called shit n get. The slogan was going to be no shirt, no shoes, no shit. True story.

Isn’t sheetz the place that intentionally dumbs down America by writing horrible stuff like dogz and wingz? No thanks.

i didnt realize how legit east coast gas stations were until i moved to oklahoma, and everyone was excited QT was getting a mini-kitchen that had like 5 food options in like 2014, when sheetz had a full kitchen since like the year 2000.

There’s a chain called the Cum and Go out in like Colorado or something.

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pretty sure its with a K… but we have a couple of those in oklahoma now

eta- these are from iowa apparently