2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Yeah, sure, whatever you say.


thanks. so thereā€™s nothing that can happen where they couldā€¦ not meet ? Like they actually find some bad ballots, blow the narrative out of the water, SC rules that a 14th recount must happen, and they donā€™t finish counting before then?

I guess for something like that to happen there would have to be extremely unlikely events happening across multiple states. My bad guys. Itā€™s been a long week and Iā€™m deeply immersed in derpville. Sometimes they break through to me. Any stupidity from me is honestly coming from them.

Man, it was lucky this wasnā€™t very close. Weā€™d be fading a lot of nasty stuff.

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The fact that for the first time in our lives the day the electoral college votes is likely to be front page news that everyone will be talking about is pretty fucked up right there.

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You donā€™t remember watching the insanely archaic ceremony unfold in 2016 and thinking WTF IS THIS SHIT? I do. Ceremonial boxes!

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I eagerly anticipate the forum jizz when the first A+ poll is something like D59-R35





Where was I for all of this last time?

You missed the fun!

I hope itā€™s normal to tune it out. I find all the ceremonial bullshit totally insufferable. Itā€™s like the faithless electors. I know itā€™s a thing but I refuse to be the one to worry about it. Put me in charge of picking the electors and Iā€™ll care. Until then I am good with being totally oblivious to all of this bullshit plus the entire British royal family and the kardashians. Thereā€™s not a thing I know about any of those subjects I learned consensually.


itā€™s not meaningless. thereā€™s a date by which they have to certify the election. heā€™s intentionally slowing it to a point where they cannot complete the recount, he will forever claim we donā€™t know the results. and in the end theyā€™ll throw another out of bounds hail-mary to let legislators or the court pick which set of electors are legitimate.

Yea Iā€™m the same way. Thatā€™s why I went into ā€œjohn oliver is my only media sourceā€ mode for this entire election season. Most of this is bullshit to me.

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I was pretty young back then, but Iā€™m pretty sure the key ruling in Bush v. Gore was if they couldnā€™t finish the recount in time, the initial count stood.

This is very true. If it came down to, say, Pennsylvaniaā€¦ and the race was closer than it is and the 11/3 to 11/6 ballots were decisiveā€¦ Weā€™d be likely to see a second term.

What Iā€™m reading says the 2000 decision was specifically stated that it was not meant to be a precedent.

This shit just solidifies what I believed pre election. That this shit was gonna be impossible. We truly got the best case scenario here for once holy shit. Thank god im finally in the reality that isnā€™t pure dog shit.

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Ok. Thereā€™s no such thing as a hand recount. A recount means they rescan all the ballots.

I might have to drop the AOC Communist Triforce on them.

:small_red_triangle: :small_red_triangle:

Sometimes the British royal family or the Kardashians just grab you by theā€¦

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By the goddamn eyeballs. This kind of shit is why I hate going places now. The entire world is busy trying to get through the flaws in my thinking and induce a nutritional mistake. Everywhere you look some piece of shit marketer is offering you something harmful and addictive. Bill Hicks was absolutely right and we were nowhere close to this level when he was alive.

Once you start to see the merchandizing choices, the advertising choices, the distribution choices, and you start to see it work on you anywayā€¦

Itā€™s pretty dystopian already, it just crept up on us.


Why are there 400 posts from the last 4 hours?


Though courts will decide specific questions of legal interpretation in voting disputes, they do not want to be perceived as deciding the 2020 election result, as the Supreme Court did in 2000. Where possible, judges will decline to hear lawsuits that ask big political questions and leave these issues for the political system to resolve. Enter Congress. If neither candidate gets to 270 electors due to disputed ballots, the House would have to decide the election.

The supreme court knows exactly how congress would vote since they have Rā€™s and Dā€™s next to their name. It is the same as pulling the trigger.

Yea this is what I am worrying about.