2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Yea that’s where I got it from, derplandia

For non lawbros, Jones Day has possibly the single worst reputation of any biglaw firm. Absolutely awful work environment and a client list that is overloaded with scumbags even by lol biglaw standards.



Pelosi certainly isn’t going to choose to step in. Are you genuinely concerned the Supreme Court is going to say, “Welp, dunno, we guess PA/GA/AZ just don’t get any electors this year. You figure it out.”

Just neither of these are possible is the problem for them.

Like mailin ballots aren’t unconstitutional in any way, literally just talking out of their ass.



But what about that nonsense of it needing to be decided by dec 14th? That’s not real and some obscure misquote of a 200 year old law, right?

the votes will be confirmed by the 14th and those states will send their electors, they just don’t have any outs, outside of proving thousands of ballots were illegally cast, which they weren’t, so can’t be.

I feel like we’ve all been mainlining fear and panic for four years. We’ve been all over MSNBC, CNN, Twitter and UP for little endorphin highs from anger and fear.

Now we won, it’s over, and we’re not sure what to do. Where do we get our endorphins from?

So some folks are falling victim to the right wing wishcasting on social media, looking for another hit of fear or anger.

Put the pipe down, we won. A coup is like 1,000 to 1 at this point. Relax. Take a walk, do some home exercise, have a beer, smoke a joint, do what you do… But stop injecting this fear and anger before your veins collapse.


That works in our favor, if anything. They’ve got until then to contest it, or time’s up.

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This might age very badly, but i can’t wait for derplandia to turn on Kavanugh, Gorsuch and ACB.


yea exactly, we just have to sit through this shit for a month at most. Trump will still fuck around after that but the election will be all done with no chance for change.


Is this article from before or after the right wing derposphere is accusing the investigators of being big old bullies to this poor martyr?

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What’s stopping them from stalling? What’s stopping them from drawing this out as long as legally possible to go past that date?

I know it’s republican wishcasting but I just need someone to explain this to me because I never had heard of these laws until today (sorry for my ignorance but this shit’s really obscure and I only took one poli sci and history class and I never paid attention to either).

Everything I’ve come across in the last 48 hours seems extremely implausible to me except this one, it sounds like a strategy. 1000 to 1 isnt that comforting when I’ve lost with a straight flush twice in my life and i’m told that’s basically impossible too.

Really? I know it’s rare but I’ve seen four I think. I had a couple of them.

I played a lot of hands lol.

Welp, I guess that’s it for the vote drop endorphins until January 5.


Yeah the polls are still gonna be untrustable. Ain’t nothing gonna be fixed in 2 months

It’s good advice. The last few MAGA morons outing themselves on my social media i just delete what they wrote without really reading it and unfriend them. I do worry about the mid-long term but I do not worry at all about this election. It’s over.

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Republicans are gonna Putin those elections. I would be legit scared for my life if I was Ossoff or Warnock

The Constitution gives the power to Congress to set the date the electors meet, and in 1948 Congress passed a law stating:

The electors of President and Vice President of each State shall meet and give their votes on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December next following their appointment at such place in each State as the legislature of such State shall direct.

SCOTUS recognized this as a firm deadline in 2000, iirc.

Article II of the US Constitution reads:

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.

Congress has determined that day (December 14) and to change it you would need cooperation between both chambers of Congress, which isn’t happening if it puts Trump in office.

There’s really no wiggle room that I can see for SCOTUS to interpret it otherwise.

EDIT: Photo finish in the pony derby.

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