2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Well shit that sucks. Honestly though I thought his investors were in the right. It’s nice for them that he ended up being right, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was very much in the wrong.

Haha this thread


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Of course, mail in ballots only favor Democrats this one exact time because we’re in the middle of a fucking once in a century pandemic and Democrats believe said pandemic is real. I assume there are a few adults left in the room that will stop GOP legislatures from passing “no mail in voting” laws but if not, that would be a very satisfying own goal.

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This all happened after he won the big drop right?

Yeah, but he’s like a full fledged COVID denialist anti-mask Aubrey Huff retweeting Kayleigh McEnany loving Biden is demented RTing deplorable Trumper.

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Can’t wait to see this guy when he reaches congress.

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What do you mean?

The Big Short

the long awaited Alaska drop (or at least some of it) is expected at the top of the hour, as well as some more stragglers from Maricopa.

Right, but he’s claiming Burry was wrong?

I assumed he means wrong now. But may have misunderstood.

Yep. The Ingram podcast was good because Joe isn’t deplorable at all, he just didn’t understand it.

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big brain burry up in this bitch


On their website, I guess? (Alaska Sec of State)

To force his investors to stay in a bet they were wildly against?? He was so far out of line it’s hilarious. It’s just the one time some massively stuck dude comes back out of a hundred or something.

Ah, ok. Yeah, that was highly questionable. He saved them from fucking themselves over, though.

Arizona data was all good for Biden. I’ve now got my worst case scenario on the outstanding votes at Trump +4,023 votes and Biden’s lead is like 12-13K or something.


website doesn’t seem to have much.

official twitter is @ak_elections
dedicated local journo (who gave the time tip) is @mattbuxton

tumbleweeds so far

Website is here: https://www.elections.alaska.gov/results/20GENR/index.php

Thanks for the Twitter accounts. Refreshing all.

Dude is lifting his shit straight from this thread.