2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Seriously if Trump tried to ratfuck this and stay in office it would be time for the West and East Coasts to secede. Canada would let us pass through to get back and forth.


Kinda have to let Vermont in, Bernie is gonna be the Assembly Majority Leader.

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Checked into my pro trump site.

This is the kind of shit they got to counter this


So almost half the provisionals in NC are tossed and over 90K of the outstanding absentees aren’t in yet. They need to arrive by 11/12 with postmarks by 11/3. I bailed on my position in NC on PredictIt, and feel pretty comfortable calling the state for Trump. This is, I assume, what DDHQ learned to call the race earlier today.


Hmmm hahaha

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I thought you Aussies were a week in the future, not past.

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Sounds like about 50k votes left to count.

So we’re good then?

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I just broke it down in the betting thread.

This makes me feel a little better because this was supposedly the big statistical bombshell about Romney and certain voting machines.

Also 99% of Trump fans will never understand it or be able to explain it, which slows the message. Dead people voting they can wrap their brains around.

DOCTOR Shiva Ayyadural took 40% of the vote in the Republican senate primary race in Massachusetts this year.

I actually watched some of this video and it’s completely stupid. In Michigan there’s the option to vote straight party ticket vs individual candidate. His basic premise is that the in any given precinct, there should be a flat relationship between straight R tickets and Trump’s performance relative to a straight R ticket. As it turns out, as you get a fewer percentage of straight R tickets, Trump individually does relatively better and as you get a huge percentage of straight R tickets, Trump individually does relatively worse. This is exactly what I would expect to be the case.

If you are in a heavy R precinct and you go out of your way to decline a straight R ticket, then you are doing that for some specific reason. Similarly if you are in a heavy D precinct and you go out of your way to decline a straight D ticket, then you are doing that for some specific reason.

A shocking amount of large quantities of narcotics move through the US mail. Like cartel level stuff. Kilos and Kilos of cocaine, etc. They are the ones who investigate that.

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Speaking of poker players, you all should read up on Danny Colman aka mrgr33n13. After his controversy he did all these interviews and podcasts and people didn’t even understand the radical left politics he was trying to espouse.

He was like, “poker is a disgusting game that embodies the worst greed and excesses of capitalism.”

And they were like, “Um, uh… ok, but… walk us through that river bluff.”


Steve Bannon caught by US Postal Inspectors.



Sad days in Q-land. I’m sure they’ll regroup and be back.


Damn, Michael Burry is a deplorable? That sucks.

Michael Burry is an aspie probably billionaire by now. I’d be zero percent surprised to find out he’s some variety of libertarian with really weird views on a wide variety of policy areas.

I just read his twitter feed for a few min, a complete deplo, sad