2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

lol donkaments


Do you feel like you should have?

Always there with the pithy remark that is obvious to me in hindsight.

Madsen is all in on the crazy conspiracies.

I mean yeah a guy whoā€™s cashed over 5 milly youā€™d think Iā€™d have heard his name at least once or recall hearing it. I was in tune with the whole scene back in the day

For those of us who were college kids in the post MM boom he was kinda like the first guy of our generation to have a dominant WSOP performance.

He was clearly trash in real time too. Luckboxing events i think he never played before, but still.

(Doesnā€™t mean heā€™s in any way relevant to anything these days)





Go hug a postal inspector today, or as soon as covid is over.


Can confirm, Postal Inspectorā€™s donā€™t fuck around.

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I worked at a post office during Christmas about 20 years ago. The people that worked at the post office were legit terrified of pissing off postal inspectors when they came in. And I do mean TERRIFIED. Do not fuck with those guys.

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When the hell did the mailman cops become badass? Iā€™ve never even heard of the postal inspectors.


I just remember that Seinfeld episode.


I would DVR USPS PI: Philadelphia.

Whose movie career is slowing down a bit but still has a big name that we can get to play the wisened avuncular lead of our plucky young band of elite Postal Inspector hackers, sleuths, forensic experts and just general badasses?

Can we get Matthew McConaghey? Maybe heā€™s ready to settle down and do TV for a bit.

Who/what are they talking about here? Iā€™m lost.

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I dont think this will work, the divide is really urban/rural even though the EC maps have trained us to think regionally. To split the country youā€™d need NYC, Austin, and Madison, Wisconsin in one country and Upstate NY, West Texas, and Armpit, Wisconsin in the other.


Someone has to make sure the mail is being delivered on a timely basis. They even do surveillance and spy on workers to make sure they are doing their job. So yea, when you see your mailman, thereā€™s a chance a postal inspector is following him and he has no idea. Itā€™s fucking wild.

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Dude you need to get ONLINE. Patty Labelleā€™s nephew pretended to be some right-wing guy I never heard ofā€™s black gay sock puppet. Got it?

Oh wait, other online. This is the USPS supposed whistleblower who has since recanted but now has $130k on gofundme.

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Iā€™d be OK making the Northeastern megalopolis into a country




Can Vermont come too?

It would have nicer subways.