2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Shocking that most poker pros are deplorable scum

The top positions need to be senate confirmed

I don’t think ‘most’ are, I think it’s just the same % as it is in the rest of the population.

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Haha so that Dean Browning dude paid a guy to pretend to be Dan Purdy but it was quickly pointed out that that guy is not Dan Purdy so Twitter suspended the account.


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unfair accusation


Has this been posted yet?


LOL Joy Ann Reid, dumb as rocks.



Choose your own GIF


I’d say among live pros the % is pretty high, but I’ve met tons of very liberal online pros. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were something like 50% of live and 5% of online pros being deplorables.


well I’d call some of those liberal ones deplorable but if we’re going pure politics

over both but not by much for online

December 2019
if you're honorable

Yah, I mean, seems like there are a lot of Doug Polks who aren’t really on our side, but aren’t against us either.

It’ll never happen that cleanly and probably not for at least another decade or more. I’d expect a continuing series of crises that keep decreasing the legitimacy and authority of the federal government, eventually resulting in either CA or TX seceding with nobody in a position to stop it. At that point the US quickly goes the way of the Soviet Union and the whole country fragments into dozens of sovereign states. Some will unite into larger confederacies, others won’t. This of course triggers more worldwide destabilization, but the whole world will have already been trending that direction anyway so it won’t really be a surprise to anybody. The decline continues through the subsequent decades leading to a new dark age in the second half of the 21st century marked by a drastic reduction in global trade and significant increases in regional conflict.

I honestly think something similar to the above is almost as likely to happen as not.


You mean, libertarian-ish guys who would take Mitt Romney over Elizabeth Warren?

this sounds plausible and exactly what the Putin plan is


This guy has been killing it lately.


I don’t remember this guy, who is it?

He has over 19k followers but it appears as though no one interacts with him.

He also mentions “werewolf” in his feed so I guess he was a 22 pogger at some point?

Reminds me of the Stu Unger story of running numbers as a kid and dude came in and paid the bartending bookie with bills he’d wiped his ass with.

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Four bracelets, 2006 WSOP POY when he was 21.

wow I legit never heard of the guy