2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I actually was mildly surprised. It sounded plausible to me that some pro-Dem supervisor would do that, not to steal the election but to cover up slow processing of mail perhaps. I didn’t think anyone would be dumb and delusional enough to sign a false sworn affidavit for something that has no hope of even changing the PA result, let alone the election result. I see my mistake now.

It’s perjury. Whether he’ll be prosecuted who knows.

Biden administration needs to go hard after all these people, from big fish to small ones. Right now every R thinks they’re freerolling with no consequences if it fails. Only thing that might slow down the steal next time, is if the people realize there is a price to pay for a failed attempt.

Also, every felony conviction is one less vote next time for Trump.



Holy crap I just took a quick core sample of the crazy over on 8chan right now… It’s intense but they’re getting the living shit trolled out of them. I’d join in if I wasn’t worried that it was theoretically possible that there is an afterlife… because if there was, I’d be really worried about the divine bureaucrats being similar to the ones here on earth, which would clearly mean that they would just lazily dump everyone who ever registered on 8chan into the hell box shrug and say ‘close enough I’m going to go take a smoke break’. I try to not check any of the really obvious boxes is what I’m trying to say. I at least want to make it to the second cut.


Project Veritas is offering $25K for “election fraud” stories, basically paying people to sign statements. I don’t know whether Hopkins was paid an inducement of this kind, I think the offer postdates his affidavit but I’m not sure. Conspiracy to commit perjury is a felony, but you’d probably have to prove Veritas knew his testimony was false.

You can post anonymously, it’s like, their thing

Not surprised at all. I’m seeing it all over my outlets. Lots of joyous anti trumpers just shitting all over deplorables. It’s glorious


I wanted a different crazy sample than trucker facebook so four google searches later I arrived there for the first time ten minutes ago. Weird weird place.

This is the long haul plan. Get some plebs to commit election fraud, whether it’s lying about fraud that didn’t happen or commit one themselves.

If they get caught, whatever, there is never any price to pay for R’s.

I’m positive there will be people caught destroying mail ballots during the GA run-off.

The golf forum has moved on from Trump coup support to “libs need to be nicer.” Bargaining phase.


I can’t remember if it was 7 or 8chan, but one of those literally started as a breakaway board because 4chan admins were like “guys, the child porn stuff has gotten out of hand here we are going to start deleting it.”

So, use a VPN when on there dudes.

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Lol holy fuck i just dove in headfirst. They are absolutely SHOOK.

Good. Bunch of wannabe edgelords that couldn’t hold a candle to how much some of notbruce’s posts have terrified me. (Kidding, mostly)


Retired Staten Island cop briefly joined the “media can’t decide an election” crowd and is now consoling himself sharing the hits.

Of course, his probable 6 figure retirement from the NYPD is all taxpayer-funded.


Bet365 has settled. Should probably thank Cuse for putting my remaining Melbourne cup winnings on Biden.



They’re trying to create fraud by incentivizing lying. Scary thing is some of these might not recant when pressed by investigators.


I hope they don’t recant immediately and then actually get hit with perjury convictions.

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I have a new way of dealing with the stress. Each time I feel coup waaf sentiment rising above like 3.5/10, I go and on the treadmill, say, “For Biden” and burn off 306 calories.


remember this guy?


Ha yeah, the amount of booze I consumed at the beginning of last week was not sustainable. On to exercise, for now.

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all this nonsense has exposed what I believe to be yet another flaw in our dumb constitutional structure:

what stops Trump from purging DoD and putting in all his clowns, as he seems to be trying to do. you assume that if he orders them to do highly illegal things/treason, one of the disincentives to do so would be the threat of prosecution by the next administration. but couldn’t Trump just pardon everyone on the way out? so it’s a huge freeroll. it either works and you succeed, or it doesn’t and you erase all the consequences via pardon.

would love for someone to lmk if I’m overlooking something here, I hope I am.

That’s my thought too, but no info is publicly available that I’ve been able to find.

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