2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

This. I’m open to someone showing me how wrong I am, but as far as I can see all Mitch does is win. The only time he looked somewhat defeated since I’m paying attention was the McCain’s vote.

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When you see the board and realize that it is exactly as Mitch wanted it you’ll know it’s real. He won this election.

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It’s basically 0.0%. It would be way harder to cheat under that level of scrutiny. Each ballot would be examined with a Biden and Trump rep present. And they need to make up 500 votes? No. Tens of thousands.

How are they going to cheat at this point? Light the ballots on fire? Ok cool, the original count stands.

People worrying about the court cases and recounts are being ridiculous at this point. They had a window to try to actually overthrow the results and four lunatics from Virginia piled into a Hummer with AR-15s and got caught. That was it.

The election is over, we won. The legal challenges are about Trump grifting and the GOP gearing up for more voter suppression.


Cool yeah I have it bookmarked on non work computer I’ll find it later

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Trump wants a fucking HAND recount of Georgia.

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Yeah, I just don’t see how Trump leaves office w/o torching Mitch and the establishment Rs. But this really should apply to Mitch so sure he will figure it out:



This too. The GOP doesn’t need to enact a coup. They’ve got a 6-3 court and the Senate. As long as they hold us off in the runoff, they can use the Senate to hamstring Biden and play for a trifecta in 2024 while chipping away at voting rights.

It’s all going according to plan for Mitch. They own the state houses via gerrymandering, the courts, and the Senate, and they’re using them to rule from the minority.

Breyer is 82, and unless we miraculously take the Senate, he can’t retire.

The red states can ramp up their suppression in '22 and '24 and there’s very little we can do about it. Why cheat in broad daylight over this election to set up dictatorial rule that reduces the power of Mitch and SCOTUS when they can cheat in '24 to get a more acceptable POTUS and keep plodding along toward one party minority rule?

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Sometimes you forget to log out.


And these idiots are obviously never migrating to 4chan en masse because they would have already made the move to 8kun.top (LOL), the Q drop ground zero. The reason they won’t herd onto image boards is because they are, after all, image boards built on shitty software that’s annoying to track in real time (USE THE CATALOG), are full of cryptic references and memes they’ll never understand, and half the subs are like Adult Babies Getting Jerked Off In Diapers, Big Black Cocks, and Boypussy. So I really doubt they make that their new home, but boy am I rooting for it.


On the one hand we’re saying the $70K truck MAGA dudes are never participating in armed insurrection because they like their stuff to much, but at the same time your average Democratic voter is going to give up their Prius and Netflix to burn down the cities? I don’t think that’s likely, especially since it won’t be done in one fell swoop, it’ll be done little bit by little bit.

You don’t need every person with a torch. Maybe I overshot by saying every store in America will be looted, but i I think it will definitely happen in even moderately sized cities. Look at the LA Riots for an example. You no longer have a functioning society. The next step is to go full dictatorship and start arresting journalists for libel. And jmakin’ is talking about winning elections in 2022? Elections? Really?

It’s a meaningless request, and there’s no provision for it in state law.

All the in-person vote is in the form of non-human-readable barcode. The mail vote could theoretically be counted by hand. This is either just red meat for the base, or more nefarious plan to just drag the process on forever.



The later, drag the process on then say you missed the deadline and have the legislator appoint alternate electors.

LOL. Has the Twitterverse found his black-guy account yet?

You’re free to go there and look at it. Everything I mentioned is clearly visible on the front page.

He probably was but Reps should get no leeway on the just joking thing anymore.

Fair enough - wasn’t trying to needle you. Really hope he pays up.